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  Adobe Audition 2024 v24.0.3.3 (x64)
Geschrieben von: cheyanne06 - 20.11.2023, 05:51 - Forum: PC - Keine Antworten

[Bild: vg4cp3cgn.png]

Adobe Audition 2024 v24.0.3.3 (x64)

Größe: 457 MB
Sprache: Multi/Deutsch
Format: RAR/EXE
Plattform: Windows 10/11
(64-Bit) // crack


Adobe Audition. Eine professionelle Audio-Workstation. Erstellen, mischen und gestalten Sie Soundeffekte mit der branchenweit besten digitalen Audiobearbeitungssoftware. Audition ist ein umfassendes Toolset, das Mehrspur-, Wellenform- und Spektralanzeige zum Erstellen, Mischen, Bearbeiten und Wiederherstellen von Audioinhalten umfasst. Diese leistungsstarke Audio-Workstation wurde entwickelt, um Videoproduktions-Workflows und Audio-Finishing zu beschleunigen – und einen ausgefeilten Mix mit makellosem Sound zu liefern.

Audio bearbeiten, mischen, aufnehmen und wiederherstellen. Audition ist ein umfassendes Toolset, das Mehrspur-, Wellenform- und Spektralanzeige zum Erstellen, Mischen, Bearbeiten und Wiederherstellen von Audioinhalten umfasst. Diese leistungsstarke Audio-Workstation wurde entwickelt, um Videoproduktions-Workflows und Audio-Finishing zu beschleunigen – und einen ausgefeilten Mix mit makellosem Sound zu liefern.

Was ist Vorsprechen?
Lernen Sie das branchenweit beste Audio-Bereinigungs-, Wiederherstellungs- und Präzisionsbearbeitungstool für Video, Podcasting und Soundeffekt-Design kennen.

Musikclips aufnehmen, bearbeiten und integrieren.
Dieses Schritt-für-Schritt-Tutorial führt Sie durch das leistungsstarke Audio-Toolkit von Adobe Audition, einschließlich seines nahtlosen Workflows mit Adobe Premiere Pro.

Neue interaktive Tutorials direkt in der App.
Verleihen Sie Ihrem Audio Schwung. Verwenden Sie das Essential Sound-Bedienfeld, um Audio in professioneller Qualität zu erzielen – auch wenn Sie kein Profi sind.

Erstellen Sie einen Podcast
Lernen Sie die grundlegenden Schritte zum Aufnehmen, Mischen und Exportieren von Audioinhalten für einen Podcast oder ein anderes Audioprojekt kennen.

Remix passend.
Ordnen Sie jeden Song mit Remix in Audition einfach und automatisch neu an, um ihn an jede Länge anzupassen.

Reparieren und wiederherstellen
Erhalten Sie Best Practices zum Reparieren von Audio, einschließlich der Verwendung der Spektralfrequenzanzeige, des Diagnosefensters, von Effekten und mehr.

[Bild: hosterbxc5d.png]

[Bild: 180A26199E.png]


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  PDF-XChange Editor Plus v10.1.3.383.0 (x64)
Geschrieben von: cheyanne06 - 20.11.2023, 05:48 - Forum: PC - Keine Antworten

[Bild: tnawgf9s.jpg]

PDF-XChange Editor Plus v10.1.3.383.0 (x64)

Größe: 370 MB
Sprache: Multi/Deutsch
Format: RAR/EXE
Plattform: Windows 7/10/11
(64-Bit) // crack


Der kleinste, schnellste und funktionsreichste PDF-Editor/Viewer auf dem Markt! Erstellen, Anzeigen, Bearbeiten, Kommentieren, OCR und digitales Signieren von PDF-Dateien und vieles mehr. Entwickelt für alle, von Heimanwendern bis hin zu großen Unternehmensumgebungen, die PDF-Dateien auf ihren Windows-PCs anzeigen/bearbeiten/ändern und sogar OCR-bildbasierte PDF-Dateien anzeigen möchten.

Der PDF-XChange Editor ist kleiner, schneller und funktionsreicher als jeder andere PDF-Reader/PDF-Viewer/PDF-Editor, der auf dem Markt erhältlich ist. Mit diesem PDF-Editor-Download können Benutzer auch die erweiterten Funktionen des lizenzierten PDF-XChange-Editors im Evaluierungsmodus kostenlos testen. Kein PDF-Reader oder -Viewer bietet mehr Funktionen als PDF-XChange – oder dies ohne Kompromisse bei Leistung, Qualität oder Sicherheit. Schauen Sie sich die Funktionsliste unten an und sparen Sie noch heute 100 US-Dollar an unnötigen Ausgaben für Ihre PDF-Softwarelösung.

Erweiterte Funktionen
. Nur PDF-XChange Editor Plus) Ausfüllbare PDF-Formulare erstellen und bearbeiten
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[Bild: hosterbxc5d.png]

[Bild: 2511A1D040.png]


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  DVDFab UniFab v2.0.0.3 (x64)
Geschrieben von: cheyanne06 - 20.11.2023, 05:44 - Forum: PC - Keine Antworten

[Bild: 05b7dbfht.jpeg]

DVDFab UniFab v2.0.0.3 (x64)

Größe: 218 MB
Sprache: Multi/Deutsch
Format: RAR/EXE
Plattform: Windows 7/10/11
(64-Bit) // crack


Konvertieren, komprimieren und bearbeiten Sie über 1000 Videoformate effizient für die Wiedergabe auf jedem Gerät ohne Qualitätsverlust. Vergrößern Sie Video/Audio auf 1080p/DTS 7.1 und skalieren Sie Video mit AI Enhancer auf HDR10 oder Dolby Vision.

Aktualisieren Sie Video/Audio auf 1080p/DTS 7.1 und verbessern Sie Videos mit Al Enhancer auf HDR10 oder Dolby Vision.

Vergrößern Sie Videos mit AI Enlarger auf 1080P
Möchten Sie die schlechte Qualität des Originalvideos während des Konvertierungs- und Bearbeitungsprozesses verbessern? UniFab Pro bietet das beste KI-gestützte Vergrößerungsgerät, mit dem Sie Videos von niedrigen Auflösungen wie 360p, 480p und 720p auf 1080p vergrößern können, ohne dabei an Qualität einzubüßen. Klarere und schärfere Bilddetails sorgen für ein außergewöhnliches Seherlebnis.

Mischen Sie Audio mit AI Enlarger auf DTS 7.1
Auch Soundeffekte sind wichtig, um die Qualität des Videos zu verbessern. Zusätzlich zur Vergrößerung der Videoauflösung kann der AI Enlarger von UniFab Pro auch Audio auf EAC3 5.1 oder DTS 7.1 hochmischen, um atemberaubenden Surround-Sound im Kinostil zu erzeugen.

Warum brauchen Sie HDR-Video?
Herkömmliche SDR-Videos erzeugen oft glanzlose Bilder mit schlechten Details in den Lichtern und Schatten. Im Gegensatz dazu erweitert HDR-Video den Helligkeitsbereich von Bildern und zeigt einen größeren Farbraum und eine höhere Bittiefe an. UniFab bietet eine KI-Lösung zur Konvertierung von SDR-Videos in den HDR-Standard, die für alle Arten von Szenen und Videos geeignet ist.

Hochskalieren Sie ein Video auf Dolby Vision, um die Videoqualität zu maximieren
Dolby Vision übertrifft andere HDR-Standards, indem es eine beispiellose Videoqualität liefert. UniFab ist in der Lage, dynamische Metadaten bis zum Dolby Vision-Standard zu generieren und so SDR- oder HDR 10-Videos auf eine höhere Dolby Vision-Qualität zu verbessern.

Die dynamischen Metadaten von Dolby können auch Einstellungen wie Helligkeit und Farbsättigung Bild für Bild feinabstimmen und mehr inhaltsgerechte Details offenbaren. Verbessertes Dolby Vision-Video sorgt für ein beeindruckendes Seherlebnis mit kräftigeren Farben, tieferen Schwarztönen und helleren Highlights.

Hinweis: Dolby Vision-Videos werden nur auf Geräten abgespielt, die den Dolby Vision-Standard unterstützen.

Aktualisieren Sie SDR auf HDR10 für optimale Kompatibilität mit Ihrem HDR-Gerät
HDR10 ist ein weiter verbreiteter HDR-Standard, der für seine umfassende Gerätekompatibilität bekannt ist, obwohl seine Videoqualität nicht so gut ist wie die von Dolby Vision. Mithilfe der KI-Technologie generiert UniFab zwei HDR10-Videomodi: Universal und Cinema, die für unterschiedliche Betrachtungsszenarien konzipiert sind. Sie können den Modus frei wählen, der am besten zu Ihrem Raum passt.

[Bild: hosterbxc5d.png]

[Bild: EF03FE80F8.png]


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  Ashampoo Backup Pro v25.01
Geschrieben von: cheyanne06 - 20.11.2023, 05:39 - Forum: PC - Keine Antworten

[Bild: xvyhletd.png]

Ashampoo Backup Pro v25.01

Größe: 113 MB
Sprache: Multi/Deutsch
Format: RAR/EXE
Plattform: Windows 10/11
(32-x64) // crack


Ashampoo Backup Pro 25 nimmt Ihnen die Angst vor Viren, Ransomware und Hardwarefehlern! Erleben Sie eine benutzerfreundliche, gut gestaltete, aber leistungsstarke Backup-Lösung. Das neue Ashampoo Backup Pro bietet Ihnen alle möglichen Speicheroptionen: Sichern Sie einzelne Dateien auf ganzen Partitionen auf lokalen Laufwerken oder Online-Speicheranbietern. Einfacher kann Backup-Software nicht sein.

Schließen Sie einfach ein Speichergerät an und schon kann es losgehen! Darüber hinaus ist das Programm ressourcenschonend, geht Ihnen aus dem Weg und erledigt die ganze schwere Arbeit im Hintergrund. Das Wiederherstellen Ihrer Backups ist ganz einfach! Ashampoo Backup Pro 25 verfügt sogar über ein bootfähiges Rettungssystem, um Ihr System im Falle eines größeren Systemausfalls wiederherzustellen!

Hilft dabei
Versehentlich gelöschte Dateien
Probleme mit dem Betriebssystem
Problematische Updates

Nichts bleibt unbemerkt
Unsere neue Echtzeit-Backup-Technologie verfolgt Ihre wichtigsten Ordner auf Dateiänderungen und aktualisiert Ihre Backups entsprechend – und Sie können diese Ordner individuell auswählen! Dies bedeutet, dass Ihre Dateien automatisch sicher aufbewahrt werden und die Angst vor plötzlichen Abstürzen oder Systemeinfrierungen ganz gemindert wird. Sie müssen sich nie wieder Sorgen machen, ob Ihre aktuellen Archive wirklich alle Ihre neuesten Dateien enthalten. Es ist ein weiterer Schritt hin zur perfekten Backup-Lösung!

Plug & Play-Backups
Anschließen und schon kann es losgehen!
Mit Plug & Play wird das Sichern externer Geräte zum Vergnügen: Einmal eingerichtet, führt Ashampoo Backup Pro 25 Ihre Pläne automatisch aus, sobald die betroffenen Laufwerke an Ihren PC angeschlossen werden. Das bedeutet, dass Sie die Dateien Ihres Flash-Laufwerks sofort sichern können, indem Sie es einfach anschließen – Sie müssen das Programm nicht ausführen, keine zusätzlichen Klicks! Mit Ashampoo Backup Pro 25 wird das Sichern Ihrer Dateien zu einem reibungslosen, nahtlosen und unterhaltsamen Erlebnis!

Hochmodernes Rettungssystem
Rettungssystem basierend auf dem neuesten Windows
Ashampoo Backup Pro steht Ihnen zur Seite, wenn eine Katastrophe eintritt und Ihr System abstürzt: Unser Windows-basiertes, hochmodernes Rettungssystem kann Ihren PC entweder von DVD oder USB-Stick neu starten. Anstelle einer vollständigen Windows-Neuinstallation können Sie dann einfach Ihre vorherige Systemsicherung wiederherstellen und Ihren PC wieder in den Normalzustand versetzen. Sparen Sie Zeit und Mühe und schützen Sie Ihren PC und Ihre Dateien mit Ashampoo Backup Pro!

Entsperren und verwenden Sie BitLocker-verschlüsselte Laufwerke
Windows verschlüsselt Laufwerke über BitLocker, um sie vor unbefugtem Zugriff zu schützen. Dadurch wird es für Backup-Software schwieriger, manchmal sogar unmöglich, auf Ihre Dateien zuzugreifen. Ashampoo Backup Pro sieht nicht nur Ihre mit BitLocker verschlüsselten Laufwerke, sondern kann auch darauf zugreifen, um Ihre Dateiarchive zu speichern. Selbstverständlich sind die Antriebe nicht nur im Normalbetrieb, sondern auch über das Rescue-System zugänglich!

[Bild: hosterbxc5d.png]

[Bild: D63C7C6D1C.png]


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  Digital Marketing Strategy Bundle: 7 practical courses in 1!
Geschrieben von: Panter - 20.11.2023, 02:15 - Forum: E-Learning, Tutorials - Keine Antworten

[Bild: 383378412ca82neii.jpg]

Digital Marketing Strategy Bundle: 7 practical courses in 1!
Last Update: 10/2022
Duration: 14h 50m | Video: .MP4, 1280x720 30 fps | Audio: AAC, 48 kHz, 2ch | Size: 14.2 GB
Genre: eLearning | Language: English

Grow your business with Digital Marketing, Content Marketing, SEO, SMM, Email Marketing, Google Ads and Google Analytics

What you'll learn:
Build an Internet Marketing Strategy for Your Project for 2022
Increase sales with online marketing tools
Make Competitive analyses
Work with competitive analysis tools for website and social media
Work with analytics tools
Draw a portrait of a target audience
Make a media plan and budget
Form a meaningful content plan and create engaging content
Optimize content to increase search engine visibility
Promote content to get more subscribers and loyal customers
Manage your social media reputation and work with reviews
Increase your search rankings with links
Promote your website in search engines
Work with the most effective SEO tools, including SimilarWeb, SemRush, Ahrefs, and Serpstat
Work with Google Analytics, GA4, GTM
Create an effective SMM Strategy for 2022
Track the effectiveness of social networks
Work with Email Marketing
Build Customer Database
Segment Database
Set up an email campaign with SendPulse
Measure email marketing performance
Create a Google Ads account
Launch and optimize successful Google Ads Campaigns
Create Google Ads Bidding Strategies
Write an ad and ad extensions
Use Google Trends to understand the search-demand seasonality
Work with Google Ads Editor
Launch remarketing ads campaign to convert, up-sell, and retain customers
Monitor Ads Performance

No special requirements
Completion of the practical tasks increases the effectiveness of this digital marketing course.
It is preferable that you have an online project that you are currently working on so that you can implement the digital marketing skills you have learned.

Do you want to grow your business online? Do you need to get complete knowledge of digital marketing strategy to increase traffic, conversion, and sales? This is a complete course Digital Marketing Strategy Bundle: 7 practical courses in 1 for you to master digital marketing.

This Bundle of 7-in-1 practical digital marketing courses includes
1. DIGITAL MARKETING STRATEGY. How to grow your business with digital marketing?
Strategical 7 questions to answer to build a successful digital marketing strategy: Mission, Vision, Product, Target Audience, Competitors, Traffic Sources, Metrics, and Optimization. Media Planning and Budgeting.
After completing this digital marketing course, you will be able to
Build a Digital Marketing Strategy for your project for the next 2022 year
Understand the fundamental principles of digital marketing
Make a competitive analysis and marketing research
Work with web analytics, search engines, and social media tools
Draw a portrait of a target audience
Find effective traffic tools for your niche
Make a media plan and budget
Find the right online marketing tools to increase sales
Analyze and gain organic traffic from search engines
Develop search engine optimization, paid advertising, and content marketing strategy to outsmart your competition
Construct a CRO strategy, put metrics together, test and assess key components, and more

2. CONTENT MARKETING STRATEGY. How to create content that sells!
What content to create, where to publish and how to promote it? Content Marketing for B2B. How to create a Content Plan?
After completing this digital marketing course, you will be able to
Create a content marketing strategy
Find a target audience and create relevant content for it
Form a content plan
Create popular content that sells
Get more subscribers and loyal customers by using engaging content
Optimize content for search engine optimization, and good search engine visibility
Master popular digital marketing, social media marketing, and search engine optimization analysis services and tools
Perform search engine marketing to be ranked higher in search engines, including searching and implementing the most relevant keywords

3. SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMISATION. How to gain organic traffic from search engines?
Basic SEO tools. Website and content. Internal and external SEO.
After completing this digital marketing course, you will be able to
Build an effective SEO strategy for promoting your website in search engines
Analyze and gain organic traffic from search engines
Work with analytical tools
Choose effective keywords
Build links
Conduct an effective competitor and link profile analysis
Analyze competitors' content, backlinks, keywords
Use proxies and identify what can help you deal with them correctly

4. SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING STRATEGY. How to grow your business with SMM?
Social Media Analysis. Metrics to Measure in social media marketing. Content creation and promotion. Social media reputation management. Build a social media promotion strategy for your project
After completing this digital marketing course, you will be able to
Conduct an SMM competitive analysis
Use SMM analytic tools
Compose a portrait of your target audience of your social media users
Track sales using social media
Make a Social Media content plan
Promote content on Social Media
Work with influencers, and communities for content seeding
Perform social media reputation management
Work with reviews and deal with negativity on social media

5. GOOGLE ANALYTICS. How to improve your Marketing?
Performance indicators of attraction and conversion. Google Analytics and GTM set-up. E-commerce analytics set-up.
After completing this digital marketing course, you will be able to
Make digital marketing decisions based on google analytics data
Work with Google Analytics
Combine your Google Analytics and Google Ads accounts
Customize goals and events
Understand reach, conversion, and transactional analytics metrics
Work with e-commerce modules
Set up data transfers for advertising costs
Create and understand automatic custom reports
Configure custom alerts
Customize segments, simply collecting and using data from the users of your digital marketing properties (websites, apps, etc). With Segment, you can collect, transform, send, and archive your first-party customer data.
Customize filters to track, exclude, or show specific data in your reporting. Filters are great for measuring visits to subdomains, determining the success of ad campaigns, and even filtering out bots and internal traffic (like your own IP address) to focus on real visits.
Set up calculated indicators

6. EMAIL MARKETING: an Effective Tool to Generate More Sales!
Reasons why customers subscribe to emails. Types of emails. Anatomy of an email letter. Database segmentation. Email campaign analysis. Personal data protection and Privacy Policy (GDPR). Chatbots
After completing this digital marketing course, you will be able to
Build Customer Database
Segment Database
Design the first email with SendPulse
Design the first subscription form with SendPulse
Avoid emails going into spam
Measure email marketing performance
Work with Google Postmaster
Tag links with URL Builder
Shorten links with Bit. ly
7. GOOGLE ADS. How to drive sales with PPC!
Get started with Google Ads and launch effective campaigns to reach new customers and grow your business online.
After completing this digital marketing course, you will be able to
Create a Google Ads account
Launch and optimize successful Google Ads Campaigns
Increase targeted traffic to the website and landing page
Create Google Ads Bidding Strategies
Set up the campaign budget, bidding strategy, Ad rotation, and geo-targeting
Write an ad and ad extensions
Conduct keywords research and group keywords
Determine a budget based on the keyword research
Use Google Trends to understand the search-demand seasonality
Work with Google Ads Editor
Launch remarketing ads campaign to convert, up-sell, and retain customers
Check website speed and mobile-friendliness
Monitor Ads Performance

Why should you choose this digital marketing course?
You will learn digital marketing online from top internet marketing professionals

We are industry experts! We have over 12 years of experience in digital marketing. Our agency has Google Premier Partner and Facebook Marketing Partner status.

My credentials are Google Analytics Individual Qualification, Google Ads Individual Qualification, Bing Ads Accredited Professional, Search Ads360 Certified, and others.

More than 1,500 successful digital marketing strategies and digital marketing campaigns are launched by us.

Over 200,000 digital marketing specialists enrolled in our online digital marketing courses.

This course is suitable for both beginners and experts in digital marketing managers.

The course comes with detailed visuals and in-depth videos, made on the basis of more than 15 years of digital marketing expertise.

You will get a digital marketing certification from Udemy upon completion of this digital marketing.

Students who have already completed this digital marketing training, work at the biggest international companies, such as Huawei, Ciklum, Metro, Auchan, oca-Cola, and Sanofi.

What else do you get in this course?
Lifetime access to this digital marketing training and its updates
Structured lessons with practical exercises and digital marketing concepts
Course presentation to implement all knowledge in your digital marketing strategy
Valuable checklists and templates to improve and launch your digital marketing strategy(digital marketing strategy template, content plan checklist, web analytics checklist, SEO checklist, Social Media Marketing template)
TOP Digital Marketing Blogs List
TOP Digital Marketing Books List
TOP Digital YouTube Marketing Channels List
TOP Google's Tools for Digital Marketer List
TOP Tools for Digital Marketer List
Weekly educational and promotional announcements about trends, digital tools, tips, forecasts, and hacks in digital marketing, Google Analytics, Google Ads, email marketing, search engine optimization, social media marketing, data analytics, etc.
A free copy of my digital marketing strategy book Cutting-Edge Digital Marketing. How to attract customers and increase online sales". In this book for digital marketing managers, I cover the following topics in depth: digital marketing strategy, competitive analysis, web analytics, how to draw a portrait of your target audience, content plan formation, SEO, PPC advertising, promotion for social networks, Google Analytics, Google Ads, email marketing, and case studies. This online book will help to get a digital marketing certificate, further your career, and implement all your digital marketing efforts.
A certificate from Udemy upon completion of this digital marketing course.

Enroll now!
There's no time to lose! Every minute you are losing countless leads and sales!
You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. This 7 courses bundle comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee!
Want to start now? Click the "Buy now" button to start building and implementing successful digital marketing to grow your business online today!

Who this course is for
Everyone who wants to master online marketing, launch an effective digital marketing strategy, develop online businesses, and increase sales and profit.
People who are interested in learning an online profession This digital marketing course will allow you to gain the skills and digital marketing certification needed for a successful career in digital marketing.
Marketers This digital marketing training lets you extend your skills to include marketing in a digital context, allowing you to better serve your clients as a marketing specialist.
Entrepreneurs Entrepreneurs can use their new knowledge from this Digital Marketing bundle to run their own online digital marketing until they have the funds to hire a digital marketing specialist.
Internet marketers - This course, created by industry experts, will help you ensure that your digital marketing skills are up-to-date and help you market yourself to clients, furthering your digital marketing career.
SEO specialists - This complete digital marketing training will help you ensure that your SEO skills are up-to-date and help you market yourself to clients, furthering your career.
Content marketers - after completing this digital marketing course, you will learn how to create a content plan based on content marketing strategy. You will know how to work with keyword analysis tools, and based on data, create popular content that sells.
SMM specialists - this online course will help you to build your social media presence, and make you a master of creating relevant content for your target audience and followers on media.



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  Modern Copywriting: Writing Copy That Sells In 2022
Geschrieben von: Panter - 20.11.2023, 02:10 - Forum: E-Learning, Tutorials - Keine Antworten

[Bild: 4ihxxapdqzvdtuqzbdkkokae0k.jpg]

Modern Copywriting: Writing Copy That Sells In 2022
Last updated 9/2022
MP4 | Video: h264, 1280x720 | Audio: AAC, 44.1 KHz
Language: English | Size: 12.87 GB | Duration: 7h 8m

Learn how to strategically deliver words that get people to take action using the art and science of copywriting.

What you'll learn
What copywriting is and what you need to know to do it effectively
How to gain a thorough understanding of your audience, competition, products, and your brand s unique voice
Copywriting tactics including structure, persuasion, emotion, power words, clarity, and more
Proven copywriting formulas that remove the guesswork from writing
The differences between B2B and B2C copywriting and how to craft B2B copywriting most effectively
How to write headlines that draw people in and get them moving down the rest of the page
Copywriting tactics for specific types of projects, including landing pages, CTAs, email, social media, videos, and much more

There are no pre-requisites or required skills needed for this course

The words you write for your business are directly tied to the overall success of your marketing efforts.
On top of that, choosing the right words can make the difference between your launch hitting 5 figures or 7 figures ...
your clickthrough rates hovering at 15% or 70%
your Facebook posts being shared 20 times or 2,000 times
your landing pages converting at 5% or 65%
And most important
The right words can make the difference between your business fighting to keep the lights on vs. your business breaking sales records every time you launch a new promotion.
All because of the words you chose to put on the page.
The best part?
You don t have to guess what to write.
You can learn exactly what words will increase the level of your success Every. Single. Time. No guesswork, no finger crossing, no hoping and praying the words you write will do what you need them to do.
When you hit send or publish, you can feel comfortable knowing the words you ve chosen have the best chance to get you more engagement, more subscribers, more conversions, more sales, or more of whatever it is you re looking to accomplish.
And you can do this by learning how to effectively apply copywriting best practices to everything you write.
Whether you re aware of it or not, copywriting is one of the most essential elements of effective marketing.
It s the art and science of strategically delivering words that get people to take some form of action.
Need more subscribers? Copywriting can help.
Need more opens, more engagement, more conversions? You ve got it. Copywriting can help there, too.
How about more sales? Of course!
Becoming good at copywriting gives you one of the most powerful and predictable tools to transform the success of your business.
Sound too good to be true?
Well, imagine this
You re sitting at your computer, coffee in hand, writing an email to your list of subscribers.
You re excited because you know - based on the copywriting techniques you ve used in both the subject line and body of your email - there s a high likelihood your subscribers will not only open your email, but also read what s inside and be motivated to click on your call to action.
You re even more excited because those very same users are going to click-through to a landing page with proven persuasion tactics baked into the copy on the page almost guaranteeing a flood of conversions and sales for your business.
You wrap up the email, hit send, take a deep breath, and start watching the orders roll in.
Sounds pretty amazing, don t you think?
Well, that s exactly what you re going to learn how to do in this course.
Let s take a look at what s covered inside
Section 1
Still unsure what copywriting is? You won t be after this section. In addition to the basics, you ll also learn the importance of having a thorough understanding of your audience, products, competition, and your brand s unique voice. Once you ve got this down, then you can start writing.
Section 2
You re ready to start crafting your copy. But first, you need to understand the techniques and tactics copywriters use to put it all together. How do you use persuasion tactics or stir up emotion in your reader? What power words get people to take action? This is the section where you find out.
Section 3
Ahh, good ol formulas - making life easier for everyone since the dawn of time. Well, maybe not that long but you get the idea. In this section, you ll learn classic copywriting formulas that nearly eliminate writer s block. Applying them to your own work will make writing a breeze once you re done.
Section 4

Plan on writing for a B2B audience? It s going to require something a little different. Here you ll learn the strategies you need to hit the right tone and messaging when targeting other businesses. So pay attention, because understanding these nuances will dramatically improve your results.
Section 5
If copywriting had an MVP, it would likely be headlines. If you don t create an excellent one, your reader will move on to something else in the blink of an eye. In this section, you ll learn how to craft captivating headlines that draw people in and keep them moving down the page. Oh, and more formulas? Yes, please!
In sections 6 through 11, you re going to learn the know-how of nailing copywriting for specific types of projects, including
Landing pages and Calls to Action (CTAs)EmailSocial MediaVideoPress Releases& Content Marketing
Each of these sections will dig into what kind of copywriting works best, and the methodologies and techniques you can use to get the results you want each time you sit down to write.
To top it all off, you ll get access to worksheets and handouts for each section, hours of instructional videos guiding you through the topics, and a high-level breakdown of relevant case studies to support your learning and make sure your new copywriting skills are able to shine.
By the end of this course, you ll have everything you need to take your business to the next level through the art and science of Copywriting.
Are you ready to write copy that does all the heavy lifting for you?
Enroll now and join us inside today!


Section 1: Intro to copywriting

Lecture 1 Introduction to copywriting

Lecture 2 What is copywriting

Lecture 3 Join our community on Slack!

Lecture 4 Know your product

Lecture 5 PRACTICE: Know your product

Lecture 6 Know your competition

Lecture 7 Competitive copywriting

Lecture 8 Case study: Volkswagen

Lecture 9 Know your audience

Lecture 10 PRACTICE: Know your audience

Lecture 11 Know your voice and tone

Lecture 12 Know your media

Section 2: Crafting your copy

Lecture 13 Intro to crafting your copy

Lecture 14 The art of persuasion

Lecture 15 How to use power words

Lecture 16 Structure and technique

Lecture 17 How to stir emotion

Lecture 18 Writer's block

Lecture 19 How to write simply

Lecture 20 PRACTICE: Writing simply

Lecture 21 Copywriting styles

Lecture 22 Don't get sued (plagiarism edition)

Lecture 23 Don't get sued (legal edition)

Lecture 24 Avoid common mistakes

Lecture 25 PRACTICE: Crafting your copy

Section 3: Copywriting formulas

Lecture 26 Storytelling: The Hero's Journey

Lecture 27 Storytelling: More storytelling

Lecture 28 Persuasive formulas

Lecture 29 Copywriting formulas: AIDA and more

Lecture 30 PRACTICE: Copywriting formulas

Section 4: Copywriting for B2B vs B2C

Lecture 31 Intro to copywriting for B2B vs B2C

Lecture 32 Differences between B2B and B2C

Lecture 33 B2B Copywriting Best Practices

Lecture 34 Case Study: Zendesk

Section 5: Creating great headlines

Lecture 35 Intro to creating headlines

Lecture 36 How and why headlines work

Lecture 37 Modern formulas for headlines

Lecture 38 PRACTICE: Modern formulas for headlines

Lecture 39 How to test headlines and why

Lecture 40 Supporting headlines with leads

Lecture 41 Creating readable headlines

Lecture 42 Twitter headlines

Section 6: Copywriting for landing pages and CTAs

Lecture 43 Intro to copywriting for landing pages

Lecture 44 Landing page basics and structure

Lecture 45 PRACTICE: Planning your landing page

Lecture 46 Landing page copy styles and themes

Lecture 47 Writing copy for landing pages

Lecture 48 CTAs

Lecture 49 Case study: Shipt

Section 7: Copywriting for email

Lecture 50 Intro to email copywriting

Lecture 51 Product announcements and promotional emails

Lecture 52 PRACTICE: Email types - announcements & promos

Lecture 53 Newsletters and Transactional Emails

Lecture 54 Email copy best practices

Lecture 55 Subject lines

Lecture 56 Writing letters and brand messages

Lecture 57 Case study: Physician Associates Survey

Section 8: Copywriting for social media

Lecture 58 Intro to social media copywriting

Lecture 59 Social media platform differences

Lecture 60 PRACTICE: Social media platform differences

Lecture 61 Writing profiles for social media

Lecture 62 Headline and copy best practices

Lecture 63 Copywriting for Facebook

Lecture 64 Copywriting for LinkedIn

Lecture 65 Case study: iostudio

Section 9: Bonus Section

Lecture 66 Bonus Lecture

Anyone interested in learning the art and science of copywriting,Aspiring copywriters wanting to master their skills,Marketing professionals looking to develop their career,Business owners who want to understand how copywriting can improve their marketing efforts,Freelancers who want to learn how to become an effective copywriter,Entrepreneurs, startups and business people wanting to understand how copywriting can grow their business,Web and graphic designers needing to understand the role or copywriting,Anyone aspiring to reach new customers and improve sales conversion


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Geschrieben von: Panter - 20.11.2023, 02:05 - Forum: E-Learning, Tutorials - Keine Antworten

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Last updated 6/2023
Created by Dilbag Singh
MP4 | Video: h264, 1280x720 | Audio: AAC, 44.1 KHz, 2 Ch
Genre: eLearning | Language: English + srt | Duration: 331 Lectures ( 136h 13m ) | Size: 49.4 GB

SAP ABAP WEBDYNPRO OOPS ALV RFC BAPI IDOC BDC LSMW Enhancement BADI Scripts Smart Adobe Form Report Programming MPP DDIC

What you'll learn
Selection Screen Programming ( Report Programming) and Module Pool Progrmming - MPP
Modularization Techniques - Sub-Routines, Include Program & Function Module
Objects Transportation Management & DDIC Objects Developement
Store file in Application server & Background Jobs
Scripts, Smart Forms, Adobe Forms
NEW ABAP SYNTAX - ABAP 7.40 & 7.50
500 QAs with detailed explanation based on ABAP
Features of Object Oriented ABAP, Static, instance & constant Attributes, Public, private & protected sections, Local Class & Global CLass
Friends class, Instance Method vs Static method, Instance Constructor and Static Constructor, Inheritance ( Single, Multi-Level, Multiple)
Polymorphism - over-loading & over-riding, Abstract Class, Abstract Method, Narrow Casting, Dynamic Calling, Interface, Global Nested Interface
Local & Global Alias, Exception Handling with User Defined Exception Message & STD Exception Message, Clean Up Block, Raising & Raise Keyword
Try Block, Catch Block, Custom Exception Class with OTR & Message Class, Persistent Service, Persistent Class and Singleton Class
Persistent Class using Business key & GUID, RTTS, Custom Event Declarations, Raising & Handling
Interactive ALV Reporting using Classes, Splitted Screen in ALV Reports, Traffic Lights & Drop Down on ALV Report, ALV Report Using Function Module
RFC - Synchronous RFC, Asynchronous RFC, TRFC, Update Function
BAPIs- Insert data in single DB table, in multiple DB tables, upload data from local file & exceptions handling
Enhancements - Customer Exits (Function Exit, Menu Exit, Screen Exit), BADIs, Enhancement Framework
ALE/IDOC - IDOC Objects, IDOC Distribution, Error IDOC Re-process, IDOC Extension, Custom IDOC, Change Pointers, IDOC Synchronization, IDOC Archiving.
LSMW - Using Batch Input Recording, Using Direct Input, Using IDOC, Using BAPI
BDC Techniques - Direct Input, Call Transaction, Session Object, Transaction Recording SHDB
SAP ABAP Webdynpro Application Development

No Programming Knowledge Required. Everything Explained from very Scratch Level.
Dedication to Learn & Enhance your ABAP Programming Skills
SAP ABAP GUI Access for Practice.

This course is based on ABAP where we have explained ABAP CROSSAPP + ALL BASIC ABAP TOPICS + SAP ABAP WEBDYNPRO Application Development from very scratch level. No Pre-Requistic Required. Course content is :-**** Basics of ABAP ******** Selection Screen Programming (Report Programming) ******** Module Pool Programming - MPP ******** NEW ABAP SYNTAX - ABAP 7.40 & 7.50 ******** Modularization Techniques - Sub-Routines, Include Program & Function Module ******** Objects Transportation Management ******** Store file in Application server & Background Jobs ******** DDIC Objects Developement ******** Scripts, Smart Forms & Adobe Forms ******** 500+ Questions with detailed Explanations to Judge your Current ABAP Exposure ******** SAP ABAP WEBDYNPRO Application Development ******** Features of Object Oriented ABAP, Static, instance & constant Attributes ******** Public, private & protected sections, Local Class & Global Class ******** Friends class, Instance Method vs Static method, Instance Constructor and Static Constructor ******** Inheritance ( Single, Multi-Level, Multiple) ******** Polymorphism - over-loading & over-riding ******** Abstract Class, Abstract Method, Narrow Casting, Dynamic Calling, Interface, Global Nested Interface ******** Local & Global Alias, Exception Handling with User Defined Exception Message & STD Exception Message ******** Clean Up Block, Raising & Raise Keyword ******** Try Block, Catch Block, Custom Exception Class with OTR & Message Class ******** Persistent Service, Persistent Class and Singleton Class ******** Persistent Class using Business key & GUID, RTTS, Custom Event Declarations, Raising & Handling ******** Interactive ALV Reporting using Classes **** **** Splitted Screen in ALV Reports **** **** Traffic Lights & Drop Down on ALV Report **** **** ALV Report Using Function Module ******** RFC ****Synchronous RFC.Asynchronous RFC Exception Handling in RFCTwo way communication (BACK destination)Transactional RFC (tRFC)Update Function Module**** BAPIs****BAPI introCall BAPI FM to insert the data into DB Table.Identify associated BAPI FMs using Transaction (t-code).Call Change BAPI FMCall GetList BAPI FMCall GetDetail BAPI FMCall BAPI FM to insert the data into multiple DB TablesUpload data from Local file to SAP System by calling BAPI FM.**** Enhancements****Customer Exit ( Function Exit, screen exit, Menu Exit).BADIs (Additional validations, Screen Enhancement, Menu Enhancement).Enhancement Framework ( Enhancement of STD Source code, STD Function Module, STDClass).**** ALE-IDOC****IDOC Objects IDOC Distribution Error IDOC Re-processIDOC ExtensionCustom IDOCChange Pointers configuration.IDOC Synchronization.IDOC Archiving.****LSMW - Legacy System Migration Workbench****LSMW - Using Batch Input Recording, LSMW Using Direct Input, LSMWUsing IDOC, LSMW Using BAPI.**** BDC - Batch Data Communication****Direct Input Method.Call Transaction Technique.Sessions Object Method.Transaction Recording Technique.Disclaimer : We are not an affiliate of SAP AG. SAP is a trademark of SAP AG. SAP AG is not the publisher of this training material and is not responsible for it in any aspect. We are not affiliated with, sponsored, endorsed or licensed by, or otherwise related to SAP SE or any of its affiliates ( SAP ). We don't not provide official SAP training courses or certifications and does not provide any access to SAP software. SAP and its product names, including HANA, S/4HANA, HYBRIS, and LEONARDO are trademarks or registered trademarks of SAP in Germany and other countries. SAP AG IS NEITHER THE AUTHOR NOR THE PUBLISHER OF THIS PUBLICATION AND IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ITS CONTENT.

Who this course is for
Freshers who want to Join SAP ABAP World
ABAP Consultants Who Wants to advance their SAP ABAP Knowledge.


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  Social Media Marketing & Management ⎢Certificate Course 2022
Geschrieben von: Panter - 20.11.2023, 01:59 - Forum: E-Learning, Tutorials - Keine Antworten

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Social Media Marketing & Management Certificate Course 2022
Last updated 3/2022
MP4 | Video: h264, 1280x720 | Audio: AAC, 44.1 KHz
Language: English | Size: 37.87 GB | Duration: 31h 0m

Startup Beginners Course with Certificate: Social Media Marketing, Facebook, YouTube, TikTok, Email, SEO, Medium, Reddit

What you'll learn
Learn how to market through social media B2B
Learn how to market through social media B2C
Lead generation and finding unlimited amount of leads that turn into sales
Automation Tools
Social Media Sales
How to sell online through every Digital Marketing & Social Media platform in detail
How to automate your entire marketing career
How to scale your ads in order to automate your sales

This course is for beginners
We cover essentials and fundamentals that every certified social media manager needs to know
No experience necessary
Focused on businesses & startups who are looking to explore different social platforms
No experience needed, only a will to learn, ask and grow

Very unique is that we update our course every couple of weeks, and host online workshops, so the value of the course grows exponentially for users who stay longer.--Certification for people who finish this course included----Coming from a team working with clients from Silicon Valley to Amsterdam--Do you believe in making a real positive impact on people?In this course, we reveal all the behind-the-scenes principles of our social media marketing teams, and how that lead to multi-million-pound deals. This course will focus on a great fundamentals overview of how to write, sell, advertise and market on every single relevant platform. We will include case studies and step by step walkthroughs so you can start with confidence as a social media marketeer or growth hackerDo you want access to a world-class team of people who are grinding every day in growth hacking and performance marketing?In this course, our focus is on you. We are daily practitioners giving you answers when you ask them in the QnA. Making sure you get the most cutting edge advice out there.Are we the real deal?Please check out the video testimonials from our executive clients who run 7+ figure businesses. And previews of speeches we were invited to speak, like Google Startupgrind.These principles we're about to teach you are based on our very own blueprint and have been featured on TEDx, Google StartupGrind, and many more...Outside of using these principles to help others, we also use them daily on our own team of over 50+ people, and they have been proven to work under the most extreme cases with people dealing from small startup teams to large corporates who have dealt with all the struggles you can have in advertising and marketing.If you've ever struggled with Facebook cutting down your ads with no explanation, or knowing how to set up your Google ad account to boost your videos on YouTube, and getting a Cost per view of fewer than 0,03 USD. Then you'll definitely love having access to our team.We're practitioners, that's why we can provide real use cases, 24/7 support, and a certification from an organization that has delivered thousands of trainings to corporate organizations worldwide.This specific ELITEx Social Media Marketing course is approx. 20 hours and more heavily focused on getting you up and running. In this course, we will be focused on:FundamentalsBehind-the-scenesHow to sell in the digital age through social media. Expert interviews (From YouTubers with 5 million + subscribers to Startup Entrepreneurs with 1 million + clients, as well as some surprise marketing champions and global corporates)Even though it is smaller, it's still ongoing and will be updated monthly with new QnA videos until we've answered all your questions. You can request the next topic once inside the course. So make sure to stay engaged once inside....THIS IS FOR PEOPLE WHO ARE INTERESTED IN:Marketing, Social Media & Digital Marketing TrainingStarting with Marketing by learning the basicsLearning the fundamentals of digital marketing and how to explain them to others, so they know the strategies behind all writing, sales, advertising, and marketing techniquesBeginners who are starting with marketing and in the tech sector or a startup/scaleupMarketing managementSocial Media managementDigital Marketing training topicsDigital Marketing exercisesDigital Sales strategiesBeginner trainingDigital Marketing Fundamentals for beginning marketersAdvertising tools for instructors who need more assets to scale their social mediaDesign tools for instructors who need more royalty-free assets for their teams, like templates, proposals, and more...Training your marketing teamBusiness marketing eventsHow to guide your marketing teamA great new way to create additional revenue and give yourself more credibilityGreat step-by-step process and history to explain marketing better to beginnersDO NOT BUY THIS COURSE IF:Only parts of this course may be relevant for you if you are a professional Chief Marketing Officer or doing 7 figure sales and up. For that, you'll need our more in-depth courses.This course is heavily focused on attracting what you need to get started or improve your basic teachings. You need to be comfortable with advertising and putting yourself in the digital world with your brand to people on the internet to accomplish this.Even if you are a beginner or advanced, our entire team is here to answer your questions, so if you have a unique situation, getting this course is a cheaper way to get access to us.Extra 10+ hour Expert interviews included.* And a ton of extras, QnA's, Free update videos, More content, more expert interviews ...A BRAND NEW WAY TO DO IMPACTFUL DIGITAL & SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING!Do you also find it extremely difficult to focus and stay in the moment where you are actually enjoying marketing?For the first time ever, as ELITEx, we re launching the ultimate online digital marketing training.We ll be teaching you how we came up with our teachings through countless interactions with our clients from all over the world, from Silicon Valley to Amsterdam, and how we scaled it within our organization of over 50+ people. The best thing is that you can have zero experience starting out and we'll be able to guide you through the essential strategies of sales.IS THIS PERFECT FOR YOU?This is perfect for you if you re a business owner, freelancer, or student that is looking to create a career path and wants to learn proven marketing strategies and practices... Whether you're a beginner or seasoned marketing expert we'll cover the basics of marketing in this course.Our practices have been featured in small rooms as well as in front of global audiences with thousands of people at our events.GET READY!If you ever wondered how to start your marketing career or explain certain practices to your team but the only thing stopping you is the experience or lack of resources, then this course will be worth it to you....We ll be walking you step by step through the following:FUNDAMENTALS OF MARKETING & SOCIAL MEDIA STRATEGIES ON A GLOBAL SCALELearn how to Copywrite ads for each platform, start and automate the marketing process, close sales on a global scale, and much more...MARKETING IN THE DIGITAL AGEThe basics of how to adapt traditional methods in the digital age, and automate all your boring tasks. So that you can understand or teach others who are more practical and need the exact strategies to become successful.+ MANY EXTRAS...LEARNOur learning platform is updated monthly with new videos. If there is a certain topic you want to know about, please request this by asking us a question on the Udemy Platform. Our support and instructor team answers quickly.Of course, the practical experience is half the work. That s why we also invite you to our virtual job shadows, and any of our events, to really get practical with everything you learn. That's right, free access giveaways to our members to visit a live event.CULTUREWe invest highly in the community culture, with live events, meetups, feedback Fridays, and collaborations. It is our everyday mission to create a creative, safe, and fun environment to thrive in....ABOUT USThe ELITEx Program is a private online training community founded in 2018.It s the ultimate online school for impact creators, designed to teach you how to build and scale any skill that has the potential to bring good into the world and impact human lives, even if you have no idea where to start or you have no technical skills or knowledge.Each year we have thousands of new people from all around the world enter our online training programs, and live events and I want to make sure that you can make an informed and educated decision on whether the ELITEx Program is right for you.What people say about our live in-person events The event was fun, energetic, and inspiring Thank you so much team, keep doing what you do, and stay in the core of all this energy. This Event really opens up the calendar... I think it s a win-win situation. I ll definitely be inviting other partners to join the event as well. What I really liked at this event is that it s about giving back You can be successful. But you can have even more success if you re in an inspiring environment and today was all about that! I think this event is one of those potential partnerships where you can get a lot of value out of it.Thank you so much for having us and helping us with the preparations It was really joyful to be here! The giving back concept of the event as well as the people making impact is what I love. I think this is the start of a great initiative Initiatives like this should be started in other places as well. Empowering, inspiring, and connecting with other people... UDEMY CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION WHEN YOU FINISH THE COURSEWhen you complete 100% of the videos in this course, you will be emailed a certificate of completion by Udemy so you can show it as proof of your expertise.

Section 1: Introduction

Lecture 1 Course Overview

Lecture 2 1.2.1 My story: 7 steps to success

Lecture 3 1.2.2 Your Team of Instructors

Lecture 4 1.3 The 4 Stairs of Learning Competence

Lecture 5 Request content here, Course Updates, and 24/7 Support with QnA

Lecture 6 Share your testimonial and win a 1-on-1 coaching call

Lecture 7 1-on-1 training options

Section 2: Testimonials

Lecture 8 Testimonial 1-on-1 ELITEx - A.

Lecture 9 Testimonial 1-on-1 ELITEx - A. (Full Interview)

Section 3: Introduction to your instructor

Lecture 10 Introduction to your Instructor (Speech filmed at Google StartupGrind)

Lecture 11 Coaching and Accountability sheet by ELITEx

Section 4: Social Media marketing Step-by-Step Guide Psychology

Lecture 12 What is social media marketing?

Lecture 13 Definitions

Lecture 14 Overview & Important Terms

Lecture 15 Upcoming Incredibly Important Trends

Section 5: Facebook: Organic + Ads

Lecture 16 Facebook: History, Context, Facebook Business Manager / Business Suite

Lecture 17 Facebook Advertising options, Ad creation, Publishing Start to Finish, Lookalike

Lecture 18 Facebook Ad tracker Template

Lecture 19 Setup Facebook Group and then Facebook Page Step By Step

Lecture 20 Setup Facebook Page and if you already have a page, Setup a Facebook Group

Section 6: Instagram: Organic + Ads

Lecture 21 Instagram: History, Context, Ideas for Starting from 0 Followers to 10k follower

Lecture 22 Instagram: Influencer Marketing, Stories, How Brands use Instagram

Lecture 23 Case study: 179,000 followers + 20.000 Emails

Section 7: YouTube: Organic + Ads

Lecture 24 YouTube: History, Context, Requirements video gear, Post Production and editing

Lecture 25 YouTube/ Google Ads: Video advertising - Start to Finish

Lecture 26 Youtuber's Advice of how he achieved 5 million+ subscribers

Section 8: Linkedin: Organic + Ads

Lecture 27 LinkedIn: History & Context

Lecture 28 Linkedin Groups & How to advertise on Linkedin Advertising.

Lecture 29 Linkedin Set up Account

Lecture 30 Linkedin Profile: Premium Design

Lecture 31 Linkedin Premium Walkthrough

Section 9: Reddit: Organic + Ads

Lecture 32 Reddit: History, Context, Marketing fails to avoid,

Lecture 33 Reddit Ads, does your strategy fit Reddit?

Lecture 34 Highlights Interview Reddit & Google Executive

Lecture 35 Reddit CMO Explains the Platform's Originality and Rapid Growth

Section 10: Snapchat Marketing

Lecture 36 Snapchat: History, Context, B2B Marketing and Snapchat case studies.

Section 11: Pinterest: Organic + ads

Lecture 37 History, Context, Influencer marketing on Pinterest, Pinterest ads, Buyable pins

Section 12: TikTok Marketing

Lecture 38 History, Context, Political Scandals to be aware of, Marketing videos, Influence

Section 13: Tumblr: 200,000 USD case study

Lecture 39 History, Context, Audience Demographic, Case study of making 200,000 USD

Section 14: Medium: Extra revenue stream

Lecture 40 History, Context, Audience Demographic, and how to market content on medium

Lecture 41 Create an account - Step by Step

Lecture 42 Publish your first story in a new account - Step by Step

Section 15: Quora: 1 million+ views

Lecture 43 History, Context, and content marketing

Lecture 44 How we write on Quora - Example Case Study

Section 16: Content Marketing - Lead Generation Ideas

Lecture 45 0 Introduction - How to Create Content Strategies

Lecture 46 1 - Intro + How tos - Effective Strategies of Lead Generation

Lecture 47 2 - Content curation + Case studies

Lecture 48 3 - Charts & Graphs + E-books

Lecture 49 4 Email Newsletters

Lecture 50 5 Illustrations + Books

Lecture 51 6 Tool Reviews

Lecture 52 7 Giveaways + FAQ + QnA

Lecture 53 8 Webinars

Lecture 54 9 Guides + Dictionaries

Lecture 55 10 Day in the life posts

Lecture 56 11 Infographics

Lecture 57 12 Interviews & Podcasts

Lecture 58 13 Lists

Lecture 59 14 Mindmaps

Lecture 60 15 Memes + Online games

Lecture 61 16 Applications

Lecture 62 17 Opinion Posts

Lecture 63 18 Vlogs

Lecture 64 19 Different Type of Videos

Lecture 65 20 Templates

Lecture 66 21 Surveys

Lecture 67 22 SlideShares

Lecture 68 23 Quotes

Lecture 69 24 Quizzes

Lecture 70 25 Polls

Lecture 71 26 Podcasts

Lecture 72 27 User-Generated Content

Lecture 73 28 Company News

Section 17: QnA Workshops

Lecture 74 Request workshop here and Support with QnA

Lecture 75 Introduction to QnA workshops

Lecture 76 How to monetize social media

Lecture 77 Which gear to use

Lecture 78 Youtube Cash Cow Introduction

Lecture 79 Youtube Organic Growth

Lecture 80 Lead Gen with zero budget

Section 18: Final Remarks

Lecture 81 Congratulations & Final Remarks

Section 19: Design & Content: Creating Premium Content

Lecture 82 Basics of Canva Design - Walkthrough Instagram Post

Lecture 83 Basics of YouTube Video Content & Setting up your channel and adding premium

Section 20: Expert Interviews & Keynotes

Lecture 84 Interview with Reddit President Global Advertising

Lecture 85 Interview with Reddit President Global Advertising (full)

Lecture 86 Interview with a Human Connection expert

Lecture 87 Interview with a Human Connection expert (Full)

Lecture 88 LV: Youtuber shares growing to million subscribers & how to start a new channel

Lecture 89 LV: Youtuber (Full Interview)

Lecture 90 NJ: Starting a business & how to manage 200k in ad revenue and build a scaleup

Lecture 91 NJ: Starting a business (Full interview)

Lecture 92 SS: Managing Marketing, Communications & PR Globally for Global brands like WWF

Lecture 93 CW: First professional YouTuber & Getting brand deals

Lecture 94 DM: Starting and scaling a Fitness Brand & PR Boost Getting on major talk shows

Lecture 95 LA: NBA Player, Speaking engagements & Growing on Social

Lecture 96 JB: #1 Business Blogger in the world

Lecture 97 GG: How to Start or work in the UK & Startup Unicorns

Lecture 98 GB: Global Head of Events at Walt Disney Company - Disneyland Paris

Section 21: Extras: Tech reviews

Lecture 99 Black American Express Centurion Card Unboxing

Section 22: What's next?

Lecture 100 Join our Private Facebook Community

Lecture 101 Bonus ELITEx Ads idea generator - Lifetime deal for members

Startup business owners who need an overview to create a clear social media marketing strategy,People who want to work as a social media marketer in a startup or scaling business,Anyone struggling with advertising, social media & sales,Social media Marketers who are looking to expand to other platforms and want a fundamental context on what to look out for,Beginners embarking on their social media marketing career,People who want to understand how to sell online and digital


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  Bewerben - Aber Richtig - Freie Fahrt Für Deine Karriere
Geschrieben von: Panter - 20.11.2023, 01:54 - Forum: E-Learning, Tutorials - Keine Antworten

[Bild: luykv2bszarynv9szrwobhtf6i.jpg]

Bewerben - Aber Richtig - Freie Fahrt F r Deine Karriere
Zuletzt aktualisiert am 12/2022
MP4 | Video: h264, 1280x720 | Audio: AAC, 48 KHz
Language: Deutsch | Size: 10.83 GB | Duration: 8h 11m

Lebenslauf, Anschreiben, Vorstellungsgespr ch, Bewerben neu gedacht + umfangreiches Arbeitsmaterial f r die Bewerbung

What you'll learn
Taktiken, damit du so gut wie immer eine Einladung erh ltst
Sorge daf r, dass es eine Ehre sein wird, dich einzustellen
Inklusive umfangreichem eBook
Meistere die Gehaltsverhandlung
Strategien f r die h ufigsten Fragen im Vorstellungsgespr ch
Begeistere uneingeschr nkt im Vorstellungsgespr ch
Mache aus einem Nein noch ein Ja

Die Bereitschaft, alte Denkweisen zu hinterfragen und neues Wissen anzuwenden

Wenn Du bei deiner Bewerbung das tust, was die meisten tun, wirst Du auch das bekommen, was die meisten bekommen - was brig ist.Und das ist nicht besonders viel. Doch was macht eigentlich den Unterschied zwischen denen, die von Unternehmen mit gro artigen Angeboten abgeworben werden und denen, die um eine Einstellung mit der hundertsten Bewerbung bitten m ssen?Wir geben Dir die Antwort auf diese Frage. Denn das ist die Aufgabe dieses Kurses. Es es hat immer der auf dem Arbeitsmarkt die besten Chancen, der sich traut, andere Wege bei seiner Bewerbung zu gehen. Denn wenn Du deine Bewerbungsstrategie mit den Techniken der Profis planst, wirst Du auch die Resultate der Profis erzielen. Bewerben ist keine Gl ckssache sondern sehr gut kalkulierbar.Uns geht es hier nicht nur darum, dir zu zeigen, wie Du die optimalen Bewerbungsunterlagen erstellst, die aus der Masse hervorstechen. Das ist nur ein Puzzlest ck in einem gro en Bild. Unser Ziel ist es, Dir in diesem Kurs eine Komplettl sung f r das Erreichen des Arbeitsplatzes, den Du dir w nscht, zu geben.Arbeite wo Du willst, nicht wo Du musst. Denn mit der richtigen Vorbereitung wird es eine Ehre sein, Dich einzustellen. Denn Bewerben beinhaltet das Wort "werben" und genau dieses werben ist mit der richtigen Psychologie kein Problem. Ein Vorstellungsgespr ch ist schon entschieden, bevor es begonnen hat.Du wirst von A bis Z von Ausschreibung der Stelle bis Zusage durch den Arbeitgeber alles wissen, was Du brauchst, um den Job zu bekommen, den Du haben willst und das Gehalt das Du wirklich verdienst.Du wirst gut vorbereitet mit den Gespr chstechniken, die du brauchst, berzeugen. Sobald die Entscheidung dann zu deinen Gunsten gefallen ist, wist Du mit dem Wissen ber eine professionelle Gehaltsverhandlung den Lohn erhalten, den Du verdienst.Die Entscheidung ber den Verlauf deiner weiteren Karriere liegt ab heute bei dir.

Who this course is for
Angestellte, die beruflich aufsteigen wollen,F hrungskr fte, die nach einer h heren Position streben,Ehemalige F hrungskr fte, die wieder in Arbeit kommen wollen,Arbeitssuchende, die sich optimal pr sentieren wollen


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  Braincamp Pro - Tips&Tricks Dei Veri Professionisti
Geschrieben von: Panter - 20.11.2023, 01:49 - Forum: E-Learning, Tutorials - Keine Antworten

[Bild: nuo6kf43km1f38rajwvkpvydya.jpg]

Braincamp Pro - Tips&Tricks Dei Veri Professionisti
Ultimo aggiornamento in data 11/2022
MP4 | Video: h264, 1280x720 | Audio: AAC, 44.1 KHz
Language: Italiano | Size: 14.26 GB | Duration: 12h 48m

Un evento formativo multidisciplinare su Fotografia, Videomaking, Social Media, Comunicazione e Imprenditorialit

What you'll learn
WEB e TV attraverso gli occhi del regista
La cultura dell immagine tra etica, tecnologia e social
NewBorn & Maternity: consigli, trucchi e punti di vista
La satira al tempo dei Social
La magia del doppiaggio: trucchi e consigli
La passerella: stile, regole e approccio
Diventare VideoMaker oggi: sfide, successi e soddisfazioni
Volare con i droni in FPV: creativit e tecnica
Motociclismo al Femminile: trasformare una passione in un progetto di condivisione
Videomaking e Sport
Essere DIO, tra like, commenti e condivisioni
La molteplicit dEi generi fotografici come fattore vincente
Trasformare doti e passioni in un lavoro concreto (e di successo)
I segreti del color grading
La Formazione eccellente: strumenti, metodi, approcci
La Fotografia: professione, tecnica, ispirazione e futuro
Astrofotografia a 360
Gli ingredienti per avere successo nel mondo del videomaking
Glamour e Fashion: tra social e set
Drone e privacy: convivenza possibile?

Non necessario nessun requisito particolare

20 seminari preregistrati da professionisti di livello internazionale su fotografia, videomakingsocial media comunicazione, imprenditorialit e molto altro, per un totale di oltre 12 ore.BrainCamp by BrainStudios la proposta di eventi formativi dedicata al grande pubblico che segue il VideoMaking, la Fotografia e la comunicazione. L'originale format di BrainStudios ti dar la sensazione di trovarti davvero tra il pubblico di un grande evento, potendo seguire i numerosi interventi formativi di Fotografi, VideoMaker ed Esperti di Comunicazione di altissimo livello.Molti i temi trattati: WEB e TV attraverso gli occhi del registaLa cultura dell immagine tra etica, tecnologia e socialNewBorn & Maternity: consigli, trucchi e punti di vistaLa satira al tempo dei SocialLa magia del doppiaggio: trucchi e consigliLa passerella: stile, regole e approccioDiventare VideoMaker oggi: sfide, successi e soddisfazioniVolare con i droni in FPV: creativit e tecnicaMotociclismo al Femminile: trasformare una passione in un progetto di condivisioneVideomaking e SportEssere DIO, tra like, commenti e condivisioniLa molteplicit dEi generi fotografici come fattore vincenteTrasformare doti e passioni in un lavoro concreto (e di successo)I segreti del color gradingLa Formazione eccellente: strumenti, metodi, approcciLa Fotografia: professione, tecnica, ispirazione e futuroAstrofotografia a 360 Gli ingredienti per avere successo nel mondo del videomakingGlamour e Fashion: tra social e setDone e privacy: convivenza possibile?

Who this course is for
BrainCamp by BrainStudios la proposta di eventi formativi dedicata al grande pubblico che segue il VideoMaking, la Fotografia e la comunicazione. L'originale format di BrainStudios ti dar la sensazione di trovarti davvero tra il pubblico di un grande evento, potendo seguire i numerosi interventi formativi di Fotografi, VideoMaker ed Esperti di Comunicazione di altissimo livello.


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