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ANSYS EMA3D Cable 2021 R1 English 64-bit - Druckversion

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ANSYS EMA3D Cable 2021 R1 English 64-bit - adsns - 26.01.2021

[Bild: ANSYS.EMA3D.Cable.png]

ANSYS EMA3D Cable 2021 R1 English 64-bit
Win | 2.24 GB

Ansys EMA3D Cable is a dedicated, platform-level electromagnetic cable modeling simulation tool. It delivers a design-to-validation workflow including electromagnetic interference (EMI)/electromagnetic computability (EMC) certification support and system-design evaluation for cable harness designs in the aerospace, automotive, military, oil and gas, consumer electronics and energy sectors. When applied early in the cable harness design stage, EMA3D Cable helps predict the performance of their products under the EMC certification tests.

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• O.S.: Windows Server 2016, Windows Server 2019, Windows 10 (64-bit)
• CPU: Intel/AMD Dual-Core or higher
• RAM: 8 GB of system memory
• Graphics Card: 1 GB or higher
• Hard Drive: 50 GB of available space
• Optical Drive: DVD-R