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The Complete PEGA Senior Architect Course - 8.5 Updated - Druckversion

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The Complete PEGA Senior Architect Course - 8.5 Updated - Panter - 12.04.2022

[Bild: r9c6hcvfbahlcvpz9wq0xrmk73.jpg]

The Complete PEGA Senior Architect Course - 8.5 Updated
MP4 | Video: h264, 1280x720 | Audio: AAC, 44.1 KHz
Language: English | Size: 17.9 GB | Duration: 42h 38m

( ▀ ͜͞ʖ▀).Enroll into the Top Rated PEGA Training Course with Realtime Examples( ▀ ͜͞ʖ▀).

What you'll learn
Get what you need to pass the prestigous PEGA CSA & CSSA certification.
50+ Realtime scenarios to Enhance your skills to contest at Practical Jobs
Improve your existing system architect skills & take your job into next level.
Practice complex development scenarios with detailed explanations and resources.
Basic Java Programming knowledge is an advantage but not mandatory
Basics of Databases such as oracle, MySQL etc
Any traditional application development knowledge is plus

If you want to jumpstart your career in IT and application development by industry-experienced trainer, then this course is for you! It gives you a full understanding of all the concepts and topics you need to clear the most in-demand PEGA CSSA certification today by learn the essentials of Masters PEGA - The Complete Guide to Become Senior Architect course.
This course offers an easy to understand, structured approach with realtime scenarios to mastering PEGA SSA and help you clear your certification and land you in the role a senior system architect at your dream company!
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Who this course is for
Anyone who completed their CSA course and willing to write CSSA Certification
Anyone who wants to learn PEGA Application development
Any experienced JAVA programmers willing to move to PEGA development.

[Bild: thecompletepegasenioratjbm.jpg]

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