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Laravel 10 - Making A Complete Non-Profit Charity Website
[Bild: 13ad9fc253e2b4a1e19b53f7c0f86f83.jpg]

Laravel 10 - Making A Complete Non-Profit Charity Website
Published 1/2024
MP4 | Video: h264, 1920x1080 | Audio: AAC, 44.1 KHz
Language: English | Size: 36.66 GB | Duration: 44h 7m

Learning Laravel fundamentals (A to Z) and developing a complete dynamic non-profit charity website with Laravel 10

What you'll learn
Laravel 10 from scratch
Laravel Fundamentals (A to Z)
Laravel Single and Multi Auth (with Guard) System
Visual Studio Code Editor and Important Plugins
Laravel CRUD option
Laravel Login System
Forget Password and Reset Password System
Email Verification System Logic and Implementation
Contact form email sending
Website logo, favicon and other items setup
Admin profile management
Photo uploading system
Toastr message notification system
User Profile Management
User Login and Registration
PayPal and Stripe Payment Methods integration
Event Management
Event Ticket Purchase Management System
Cause Management System
Cause Donation Management System

Basic Knowledge in PHP Language
Basic Knowledge in OOP Concept
Knowledge about using local server. Ex: xampp, wampp or mamp
Basic knowledge about HTML, CSS and Bootstrap
Basic knowledge about using code editor like Notepad++, Sublime Text or any

In this course, I have taught the students the Laravel framework from scratch. After showing all the basics of Laravel, authentication system, template mastering etc., I have developed a complete real estate listing web application with the latest version of Laravel, Laravel 10. The persons who are very beginner in Laravel and only have few php and oop idea, they will be benefitted the most from this course. But the advanced persons will also get help from this course, because I have coded following the standard and showed some advanced features. Admin Panel Features:Admin can change logo, favicon etc. Admin can change top bar and footer information.Admin can update the home page information. Admin can update the contact page information. Admin can create, edit and delete sliders.Admin can create, edit and delete FAQs.Admin can create, edit and delete blog categories.Admin can create, edit and delete blog posts.Admin can create, edit and delete events.Admin can create, edit and delete causes.Admin can create, edit and delete why choose us sectionAdmin can create, edit and delete testimonials.Admin can create, edit and delete photos of photo gallery.Admin can create, edit and delete videos of video gallery.Admin can send email to subscribersAdmin can see all the user profilesAdmin can manage volunteersAdmin can change his own photo, information and passwordAdmin can update the privacy policy page information. Admin can update the terms and conditions page information. User Features:Users can create account for freeUsers can login and edit profileUsers can reset the password if they forgetUsers can pay using PayPal and Stripe for any particular event to purchase ticketsUsers can pay using PayPal and Stripe for any particular cause to donateUsers can see order history for cause or event ticketUsers can see invoice and print for cause or event ticket

Section 1: Introduction

Lecture 1 Introduction

Section 2: Local Server Setup (Windows OS)

Lecture 2 Installing XAMPP

Lecture 3 Shift between php versions in XAMPP

Lecture 4 Installing Laragon

Lecture 5 Shift between php versions in Laragon

Section 3: Local Server Setup (Mac OS)

Lecture 6 Installing XAMPP

Lecture 7 Installing MAMP

Lecture 8 Shift between php versions in MAMP

Section 4: Code Editors

Lecture 9 Code Editors

Section 5: Visual Studio Code Editor

Lecture 10 VS Code Installation

Lecture 11 Opening Folders (Single and Multiple)

Lecture 12 Autosave

Lecture 13 Installing Extensions

Lecture 14 Export Settings

Lecture 15 Reset VS Code

Lecture 16 Creating and Working with Snippets

Lecture 17 Extension - Bootstrap 5 Quick Snippets

Lecture 18 Extension - Auto Rename Tag

Lecture 19 Extension - Material Icon Theme

Lecture 20 Extension - Vscode Great Icons

Lecture 21 Extension - Live Server

Lecture 22 Extension - Live Server Preview

Lecture 23 Extension - HTML CSS Support

Lecture 24 Extension - Laravel Blade Snippets

Lecture 25 Extension - Laravel Blade Spacer

Lecture 26 Extension - Laravel Artisan

Lecture 27 Extension - Laravel-goto-controller

Lecture 28 Color Scheme

Lecture 29 Working with Terminal

Lecture 30 Settings Sync

Section 6: Fundamental - Installation

Lecture 31 Install Laravel

Lecture 32 Folder and File Structure

Lecture 33 Artisan CLI Commands

Lecture 34 Laravel Tinker

Section 7: Fundamental - Route

Lecture 35 Basic Route

Lecture 36 Route Parameters

Lecture 37 Named Route

Lecture 38 Fallback Route

Lecture 39 Route Group

Lecture 40 Route Redirect

Lecture 41 Route View

Lecture 42 Resourceful Routes

Lecture 43 Regular Expression Constraints

Lecture 44 Global Constraints

Section 8: Fundamental - View

Lecture 45 Creating View

Lecture 46 Nested View Directories

Lecture 47 Passing Data into View

Lecture 48 Sharing Data with All Views

Lecture 49 Share Different Items to Different Views

Lecture 50 View Component

Lecture 51 View Caching

Section 9: Fundamental - Blade

Lecture 52 Displaying Data

Lecture 53 Displaying Unescaped Data

Lecture 54 Blade Directive - if statement

Lecture 55 Blade Directive - switch statement

Lecture 56 Blade Directive - Raw PHP

Lecture 57 Blade Directive - Loop

Lecture 58 Blade Directive - Including Subview

Lecture 59 Blade Directive - Comment

Lecture 60 Building Layout using Template Inheritance

Section 10: Fundamental - Controller

Lecture 61 Creating Controller

Lecture 62 Working with Controller

Lecture 63 Resource Controller

Lecture 64 Invokable or Single Action Controller

Section 11: Fundamental - Request and Response

Lecture 65 What is Request

Lecture 66 What is Response

Section 12: Fundamental - Middleware

Lecture 67 Global Middleware

Lecture 68 Route Middleware

Lecture 69 Controller Middleware

Lecture 70 Middleware Group

Section 13: Fundamental - HTTP Session

Lecture 71 Store, Retrieve and Flash Data

Lecture 72 Delete Data

Section 14: Fundamental - Form Validation

Lecture 73 Creating Form

Lecture 74 CSRF Token

Lecture 75 Required Validation and Display Error Message

Lecture 76 Display Old Input in Blade

Lecture 77 Use @error Directive

Lecture 78 String Length, Numeric, Date, Email Validation

Lecture 79 Regular Expression Validation

Lecture 80 File or Image Upload Validation

Lecture 81 Password Validation

Lecture 82 Customizing Error Messages

Lecture 83 Unique Validation

Section 15: Fundamental - File Uploading

Lecture 84 File Uploading in Public Folder

Lecture 85 File Uploading in Storage Folder (Local Driver)

Lecture 86 File Uploading in Storage Folder (Public Driver)

Lecture 87 File Uploading (Storage Link)

Lecture 88 File Uploading (Delete File)

Section 16: Fundamental - Package - Intervention Image

Lecture 89 Installation and Usage

Lecture 90 Filter and Effect

Lecture 91 Text Watermark

Lecture 92 Image Watermark

Lecture 93 Custom Image Filter

Section 17: Fundamental - Database & Migration

Lecture 94 Create Database

Lecture 95 Create Migration & Table

Lecture 96 Add Column using Migration

Lecture 97 Delete Table using Migration

Lecture 98 Migration Rollback

Section 18: Fundamental - Model

Lecture 99 How to Create

Lecture 100 Data Insert & Show

Lecture 101 Data Update & Delete

Section 19: Fundamental - Seeder, Faker, Factory

Lecture 102 Seeder

Lecture 103 Faker

Lecture 104 Factory

Section 20: Fundamental - Soft Delete and Force Delete

Lecture 105 Soft Delete and Data Restore

Lecture 106 Force Delete

Section 21: Fundamental - Raw SQL Query

Lecture 107 Insert Data

Lecture 108 Show Data

Lecture 109 Update Data

Lecture 110 Delete Data

Lecture 111 Source Code

Section 22: Fundamental - Query Builder

Lecture 112 Insert Data

Lecture 113 Show Data

Lecture 114 Update Data

Lecture 115 Delete Data

Lecture 116 Join Tables

Lecture 117 Using exists() method

Lecture 118 Aggregate Functions - count(), sum(), avg() etc

Lecture 119 Group By with Count

Lecture 120 Multiple Aggregates

Lecture 121 Having Clause

Lecture 122 Order By Clause

Lecture 123 whereIn() method

Lecture 124 pluck() method

Lecture 125 whereNot() & whereNotIn()

Lecture 126 whereBetween() & whereNotBetween()

Lecture 127 Using Subquery

Lecture 128 Source Code

Section 23: Fundamental - Eloquent ORM

Lecture 129 What is Eloquent ORM

Lecture 130 Insert Data

Lecture 131 Show Data

Lecture 132 Update Data

Lecture 133 Delete Data

Lecture 134 Mass assignment, fillable, guard

Lecture 135 firstOrCreate() and firstOrNew()

Lecture 136 findOrFail()

Lecture 137 Source Code

Section 24: Fundamental - Eloquent Relationship

Lecture 138 One to One

Lecture 139 One to One - Inverse

Lecture 140 One to Many

Lecture 141 One to Many - Inverse

Lecture 142 Many to Many

Section 25: Fundamental - Sending Email

Lecture 143 Sending Email

Lecture 144 Sending Email with Attachment

Section 26: Fundamental - Helper Function

Lecture 145 Helper Function

Section 27: Fundamental - Caching

Lecture 146 Caching

Section 28: Fundamental - Queue & Background Processing

Lecture 147 Queue & Background Processing

Section 29: Fundamental - Pagination

Lecture 148 Pagination

Section 30: Fundamental - CRUD using Resource Controller

Lecture 149 Setup, Show & Create Data

Lecture 150 Update & Delete Data

Lecture 151 Source Code

Section 31: Multi Authentication Using Breeze - Single Guard

Lecture 152 Install Laravel and Breeze

Lecture 153 Update User Table

Lecture 154 Adding Demo Data to Table

Lecture 155 Creating Controllers & Views

Lecture 156 Creating Middleware

Lecture 157 Redirection Setup

Lecture 158 Activate Email Verification

Lecture 159 Register as Vendor and Customer

Lecture 160 Checking Dashboard Access

Lecture 161 Reset Password

Lecture 162 Source Codes

Section 32: Admin Panel Template Mastering - Single Guard

Lecture 163 Describing HTML Template

Lecture 164 Template Mastering - Home Page and Logout Section

Lecture 165 Edit Profile Information - Part 1

Lecture 166 Edit Profile Information - Part 2

Lecture 167 Edit Profile Information - Part 3

Lecture 168 Edit Profile Information - Part 4

Lecture 169 Edit Profile Information - Part 5

Lecture 170 Source Code

Section 33: Multi Authentication Using Breeze - Multi Guard

Lecture 171 Install Laravel and Breeze

Lecture 172 Enable the Email Verification for Registration & Reset Password

Lecture 173 Creating Migration and Model for admin

Lecture 174 Set up admin guard in auth.php file

Lecture 175 Creating middleware for admin

Lecture 176 Inserting demo data in admins table using seeder

Lecture 177 Email Setup using Mailable Class

Lecture 178 Admin controller, Working with login, dashboard and logout

Lecture 179 Forget Password

Lecture 180 Reset Password

Lecture 181 Source Codes

Section 34: Admin Panel Template Mastering - Multi Guard

Lecture 182 Describing HTML Template

Lecture 183 Dashboard and Logout

Lecture 184 Login

Lecture 185 Forget and Reset Password

Lecture 186 Edit Profile - Part 1

Lecture 187 Edit Profile - Part 2

Lecture 188 Sidebar Current Item Selection

Lecture 189 Source Code

Section 35: Front End Template

Lecture 190 Describing the Front End Template

Lecture 191 Source Code

Section 36: Front End Template Mastering

Lecture 192 Rename Admin Panel Laravel Folder to Main Project

Lecture 193 Mastering Template & Home Page Setup

Section 37: User

Lecture 194 Registration

Lecture 195 Registration Verify

Lecture 196 Login

Lecture 197 Forget & Reset Password

Lecture 198 Dashboard & Logout

Lecture 199 Edit Profile

Lecture 200 Front End Menu Links

Section 38: Slider

Lecture 201 Slider - Part 1

Lecture 202 Slider - Part 2

Lecture 203 Slider - Part 3

Section 39: Special

Lecture 204 Special - Part 1

Lecture 205 Special - Part 2

Lecture 206 Special - Part 3

Section 40: Feature

Lecture 207 Feature - Part 1

Lecture 208 Feature - Part 2

Lecture 209 Feature - Part 3

Section 41: Testimonial

Lecture 210 Testimonial - Part 1

Lecture 211 Testimonial - Part 2

Lecture 212 Testimonial - Part 3

Section 42: About Page

Lecture 213 Counter Section - Part 1

Lecture 214 Counter Section - Part 2

Lecture 215 Special and Feature Section

Section 43: FAQ

Lecture 216 FAQ - Part 1

Lecture 217 FAQ - Part 2

Section 44: Volunteer

Lecture 218 Volunteer - Part 1

Lecture 219 Volunteer - Part 2

Lecture 220 Volunteer - Part 3

Lecture 221 Volunteer - Part 4

Section 45: Photo Gallery

Lecture 222 Photo Gallery - Part 1

Lecture 223 Photo Gallery - Part 2

Lecture 224 Photo Gallery - Part 3

Lecture 225 Photo Gallery - Part 4

Section 46: Video Gallery

Lecture 226 Video Gallery - Part 1

Lecture 227 Video Gallery - Part 2

Lecture 228 Video Gallery - Part 3

Section 47: Blog

Lecture 229 Blog - Part 1

Lecture 230 Blog - Part 2

Lecture 231 Blog - Part 3

Lecture 232 Blog - Part 4

Lecture 233 Blog - Part 5

Lecture 234 Blog - Part 6

Section 48: Blog Comment

Lecture 235 Blog Comment - Part 1

Lecture 236 Blog Comment - Part 2

Lecture 237 Blog Comment - Part 3

Section 49: Event

Lecture 238 Event - Part 1

Lecture 239 Event - Part 2

Lecture 240 Event - Part 3

Lecture 241 Event - Part 4

Lecture 242 Event - Part 5

Lecture 243 Event - Part 6

Section 50: Event Ticket

Lecture 244 Event Ticket - Part 1

Lecture 245 Event Ticket - Part 2

Lecture 246 Event Ticket - Part 3

Lecture 247 Event Ticket - Part 4

Lecture 248 Event Ticket - Part 5

Section 51: Event Ticket - Admin Panel

Lecture 249 Event Ticket - Admin Panel - Part 1

Lecture 250 Event Ticket - Admin Panel - Part 2

Section 52: Event Ticket - User Panel

Lecture 251 Event Ticket - User Panel - Part 1

Lecture 252 Event Ticket - User Panel - Part 2

Section 53: Cause

Lecture 253 Cause - Part 1

Lecture 254 Cause - Part 2

Lecture 255 Cause - Part 3

Lecture 256 Cause - Part 4

Lecture 257 Cause - Part 5

Lecture 258 Cause - Part 6

Lecture 259 Cause - Part 7

Section 54: Cause Donation

Lecture 260 Cause Donation - Part 1

Lecture 261 Cause Donation - Part 2

Section 55: Cause Donation - Admin & User Panel

Lecture 262 Part 1

Lecture 263 Part 2

Section 56: Home Page - Data Showing

Lecture 264 Part 1

Lecture 265 Part 2

Lecture 266 Part 3

Section 57: Settings

Lecture 267 Settings - Part 1

Lecture 268 Settings - Part 2

Lecture 269 Settings - Part 3

Lecture 270 Settings - Part 4

Section 58: Other Pages

Lecture 271 Terms and Privacy Page

Section 59: Subscriber

Lecture 272 Subscriber - Part 1

Lecture 273 Subscriber - Part 2

Lecture 274 Subscriber - Part 3

Section 60: Admin Dashboard

Lecture 275 Dashboard Items

Section 61: Final Source Code

Lecture 276 Final Code

Persons who want to learn a php framework from scratch,Persons who want to learn making a complete web application from beginning,Persons who are looking for a good job in web development sector,Persons who want to learn making a non-profit charity application with Laravel


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