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Wondershare PDFelement Pro v11.3.1.3241 |
Geschrieben von: cheyanne06 - 30.11.2024, 06:21 - Forum: PC
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Wondershare PDFelement Pro v11.3.1.3241
zum Bearbeiten, Konvertieren, Signieren von PDFs
Größe: 254 MB
Sprache: Multi/Deutsch
Format: RAR/EXE
Plattform: Windows 7/10/11
(64-Bit) // Crack
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SpoilerSchnelle, und einfache Möglichkeit zum Bearbeiten, Konvertieren, Signieren von PDFs und mehr – über Desktop, Mobilgerät und Web.
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Ashampoo Photo Optimizer v10.0.6 (x64) + Portable |
Geschrieben von: cheyanne06 - 30.11.2024, 06:12 - Forum: PC
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Ashampoo Photo Optimizer v10.0.6 (x64) + Portable
Verbessern Sie Ihre Urlaubs-, Hochzeits- und Partyaufnahmen!
Größe: 136/139 MB
Sprache: Multi/Deutsch
Format: RAR/EXE
Plattform: Windows 7/10/11
(64-Bit) // crack
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SpoilerFotos sind unersetzliche Erinnerungen und halten besondere Momente in unserem Leben fest. Aber sie kommen nicht immer wie erwartet heraus. Holen Sie mit einem einzigen Klick das Beste aus Ihren Fotos heraus und erzielen Sie fast sofort beeindruckende Ergebnisse – nur mit Ashampoo Photo Optimizer 10
Verbessern Sie Ihre Urlaubs-, Hochzeits- und Partyaufnahmen!
Korrigieren Sie falsch ausgerichtete Aufnahmen, korrigieren Sie Perspektivfehler oder wenden Sie eine ganze Reihe schöner Effekte an. Kleinere Probleme wie rote Augen, Hautunreinheiten oder Flecken lassen sich jetzt leicht beheben. Sparen Sie Zeit und Nerven und erzielen Sie mit Photo Optimizer fast sofort beeindruckende Ergebnisse!
Auswählen, klicken, genießen!
Die Benutzeroberfläche von Photo Optimizer 9 ist denkbar einfach: Die Funktionen sind übersichtlich in Kategorien angeordnet und nie mehr als zwei Klicks entfernt. Wo andere Bildbearbeitungsprogramme Sie durch umfangreiche Handbücher waten lassen, liefert Ihnen Photo Optimizer sofort Ergebnisse!
Wichtige Basics und kreative Freiheit
Natürlich enthält Ashampoo Photo Optimizer 10 alle üblichen Verdächtigen wie Bildzuschneiden, Drehen, Wasserzeichen und Weichzeichnen. Aber es hört hier nicht auf. Werden Sie kreativ mit künstlerischen Effekten und eleganten Rahmendesigns. Egal, ob Sie misslungene Aufnahmen wiederherstellen, die Bildqualität um weitere 5 % steigern oder einfach nur Spaß haben möchten, dies ist das Programm für Sie!
Der Lebensretter für Ihre Urlaubsaufnahmen
Durch sorgfältige Bildanalyse werden optische Mängel erkannt und behoben. Unser sorgfältig ausgearbeiteter Algorithmus optimiert vollautomatisch Farben, Kontraste und Belichtungszeiten für einzelne Aufnahmen oder ganze Sammlungen und verwandelt enttäuschende Aufnahmen in brillante Fotos!
Eine Frage der Perspektive!
Das Fotografieren von Gebäuden führt oft zu unangenehmen und leicht wahrnehmbaren perspektivischen Verzerrungen, bedingt durch die Position des Fotografen. Gebäude und andere hohe Objekte scheinen fast umzufallen, was Ihren Fotos eine unbeabsichtigte komische Note verleiht. Andere Male haben Sie vergessen, Ihr Stativ mitzubringen und Ihre Kamera nicht ganz gerade zu halten. Geben Sie die neue Perspektivenkorrektur von Photo Optimizer 8 ein! Korrigieren Sie horizontale oder vertikale Verzerrungen mit nur wenigen Klicks und speichern Sie Aufnahmen, die sonst direkt in den Papierkorb gewandert wären. Geben Sie Ihren Fotos eine zweite Chance und erhalten Sie immer die richtige Perspektive!
iTubeGo YouTube Downloader v9.2.2 (x64) |
Geschrieben von: cheyanne06 - 30.11.2024, 05:59 - Forum: PC
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iTubeGo YouTube Downloader v9.2.2 (x64)
von über 1000 Streaming-Websites herunterladen
Größe: 164 MB
Sprache: Multi/Deutsch
Format: RAR/EXE
Plattform: Windows 7/8/10/11
(64-Bit) // crack
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SpoilerDer beste Weg, Online-Videos von über 1000 Streaming-Websites herunterzuladen. iTubeGo YouTube Downloader ist ein leistungsstarkes Download-Tool, mit dem Sie Videos und Audio kostenlos speichern können. Das Ausgabeformat des Hochgeschwindigkeitskonverters ist hochwertiges MP4, MP3. Vollständig kompatibel mit iPhone, iPad, iTunes, iMovie, Android Phone und mehr.
Laden Sie Videos von über 1000 Websites herunter
Unterstützt die meisten Videoseiten wie YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Dailymotion, Vimeo, Einthusan, NicoNico, Ok.ru, VK, Twitter, Fox, Lynda, YouKu, Yahoo Video, Bilibili, Coub, Vlive.TV, Liveleak, Reddit, Mgoon , Sportstadion, Mediaset und mehr.
Laden Sie 4K- und Full-HD-Videos herunter
Der iTubeGo HD Video Downloader unterstützt das Herunterladen verschiedener SD- oder HD-Videos vollständig. Sie können qualitativ hochwertige Videos ohne Verlust herunterladen und in das MP4-Format konvertieren. Egal ob 720p, 1080p oder 4K, Sie können es problemlos herunterladen.
1-Klick, um die YouTube-Playlist herunterzuladen
Mit dem iTubeGo YouTube Downloader können Sie ganze YouTube-Wiedergabelisten mit einem Klick herunterladen. Sie müssen nur eine Video-Playlist-URL kopieren und einfügen, wodurch das mühsame Einfügen von Video-Links nacheinander entfällt. Einfacher und zeitsparender.
Unterstützt Multi-Task-Download
Der iTubeGo YouTube Downloader nutzt fortschrittliche Technologie, um Multitasking-Downloads zu ermöglichen. Sie können die Anzahl der Multitasking-Vorgänge festlegen, um die Download-Effizienz zu verbessern. Multitasking hat keinen Einfluss auf die Leistung Ihres Computers, wodurch Downloads erheblich beschleunigt werden.
Laden Sie Musik als MP3 herunter
Laden Sie Lieder, Hintergrundmusik, Soundeffekte usw. kostenlos von Musik-Sharing-Seiten herunter und speichern Sie sie als MP3. Unterstützte Websites: SoundCloud, MixCloud, FreeSound, Bandcamp, VEVO und mehr.
Konvertieren Sie Videos in MP3
iTubeGo bietet eine Ein-Klick-Konvertierungsfunktion in MP3, sodass Sie Videos nach dem Herunterladen von YouTube oder anderen Websites direkt in das MP3-Format konvertieren können. iTubeGo behält die ursprüngliche Audioqualität perfekt bei und unterstützt hochwertige MP3-Dateien mit 320 KBit/s. Erleben Sie hochauflösenden Musikgenuss!
Laden Sie mehrere Video-/Audiodateien in großen Mengen herunter
Sie können in unserem iTubeGo-Downloader mehrere Video- oder Audio-URLs eingeben und diese stapelweise auf Ihren Computer herunterladen. iTubeGo begrenzt die Anzahl Ihrer URLs nicht, Sie können eine unbegrenzte Anzahl herunterladen.
Alle heruntergeladenen Medien verwalten
Der YouTube-Downloader iTubeGo verfügt über einen Dateimanager. Die heruntergeladenen Audio- und Videodateien werden automatisch in chronologischer Reihenfolge in der Bibliothek gespeichert. Im Manager können Sie Medien suchen, abspielen oder löschen.
proDAD Disguise v2.0.214.2 (x64) |
Geschrieben von: cheyanne06 - 30.11.2024, 05:46 - Forum: PC
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proDAD Disguise v2.0.214.2 (x64)
Größe: 113 MB
Sprache: Multi/Deutsch
Format: RAR/EXE
Plattform: Windows 7/8/10/11
(64-Bit) // crack
Show Content
SpoilerOb Sie professionell Filme produzieren oder als Enthusiast Videos drehen: Es macht so viel Freude, die schönsten Momente aus Ihrem Urlaub, besondere Menschen bei der Arbeit oder auch das Aufwachsen Ihrer Kinder mit der eigenen Kamera zu begleiten. Doch sobald Sie ein Video über das Internet zeigen – egal ob privat oder geschäftlich – werden Ihre Videos öffentlich. Videos im Internet können Freundschaften zerstören, unter Umständen drohen Ihnen sogar Klagen.
Mit proDAD Disguise schützen Sie sich und die Personen in Ihren Videos. proDAD Disguise ist die ideale Lösung, um Gesichter und Objekte schnell und bequem zu verpixeln. In einem Videobearbeitungsprogramm ist dies oft ein mühsamer Prozess, und das Ergebnis ist selten gut. Mit Disguise erledigen Sie die Verpixelung mühelos im Handumdrehen mit nur wenigen Mausklicks.
Laden Sie Ihre Aufnahme in Disguise, wählen Sie eine passende Maskenform und richten Sie diese am Gesicht aus. Sie können die Größe des Mosaiks wählen und das Mosaik und die Maskenumrisse auf Wunsch zusätzlich verwischen. Starten Sie die Verfolgung und die Maske folgt automatisch dem Gesicht. Speichern Sie anschließend die Datei. Sie erhalten ein hervorragendes Ergebnis, bei dem der Charakter der Originalaufnahme vollständig erhalten bleibt.
Manchmal wird einem erst beim Betrachten des Bildes nach der Aufnahme klar, dass vertrauliche Details ins Bild geraten sind, die nicht öffentlich gemacht werden dürfen. Mit Disguise können Sie solche Details einfach und schnell verbergen. Auch unerwünschte Werbung und Markenzeichen können Sie ganz einfach entfernen und so verhindern, dass der Markeninhaber möglicherweise gegen die Veröffentlichung Ihres Videos vorgeht.
Übrigens können Sie mit Disguise auch bestimmte Bildbereiche optisch hervorheben und so gezielt die Aufmerksamkeit Ihrer Zuschauer gewinnen. Mit Disguise schützen Sie die Personen in Ihren Videos. Und Sie schützen sich selbst, bequem und schnell.
- Geeignet für Gesichter und Objekte
- Verschiedene Maskenformen & Polygon
- Mehrere Masken gleichzeitig in einer Szene
- Anpassbares Mosaik
- Individuell gestaltbare Farbbereiche
- Auch zum Hervorheben von Bildbereichen geeignet
- Schneller und zuverlässiger Tracker
- Unterstützt Keyframes
- Unterstützt Ausschlussebenen
Neu in V2
- Komplett neue Benutzeroberfläche
- Optimiertes Tracking
- Erweiterte Exportoptionen
- Rückgängig/Wiederholen, Arbeitsverlauf
- Verbesserte Keyframe-Behandlung
- Multi-Monitor-Bearbeitung
proDAD Hide v2.0.214.2 (x64) |
Geschrieben von: cheyanne06 - 30.11.2024, 05:36 - Forum: PC
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proDAD Hide v2.0.214.2 (x64)
Größe: 105 MB
Sprache: Multi/Deutsch
Format: RAR/EXE
Plattform: Windows 7/8/10/11
(64-Bit) // crack
Show Content
Wie oft haben Sie sich in der Vergangenheit schon über ruinierte Aufnahmen geärgert, weil eine Person durch Ihr Bild gelaufen ist oder andere störende Objekte ins Bild geraten sind. Mit Hide machen Sie das störende Objekt unsichtbar und retten so unwiederholbare Momente und kostbare Erinnerungen.
Hide ist ein ideales Tool für Profi- und Urlaubsfotografen, für YouTuber ebenso wie für anspruchsvolle Kameraleute. Hide ist ein wahrer Problemlöser, wenn etwas in Ihr Bild gerät, das den Betrachter entweder ablenken könnte oder einfach nicht dorthin gehört. Meistens zeigen sich diese Störungen erst beim Schnitt, wenn keine Chance mehr für eine zweite Aufnahme besteht.
Hide kann wirklich zaubern. Zuerst markieren Sie das unerwünschte Objekt, indem Sie den intelligenten automatischen Tracking-Modus anwenden. Nach einem Analyseprozess ersetzt Hide das Objekt durch seinen ursprünglichen Hintergrund – alles automatisch innerhalb kürzester Zeit ohne manuellen Aufwand. Für diesen Vorgang benötigt Hide einige Sekunden Filmmaterial, bevor und nachdem das zu entfernende Objekt aus dem Blickfeld verschwunden ist.
Im Vergleich zu herkömmlichem, fehleranfälligem Klonen oder mühsamen und zeitaufwändigen Ersetzungsmethoden in Bearbeitungssoftware bietet Hide dank seiner innovativen Technologie ein deutlich besseres Ergebnis in einem Bruchteil der Zeit. Auf Wunsch kann der Workflow durch den Anschluss von USB-Pedalen noch weiter beschleunigt werden. Während Sie die Pedale verwenden, können Sie die Tracking-Richtung und -Geschwindigkeit dynamisch steuern und gleichzeitig Maus und Tastatur für optimale Tracking-Ergebnisse bedienen.
Die hochwertigen Ergebnisse, die mit Hide erzielt werden, werden sowohl Sie als auch Ihre Zuschauer beeindrucken.
- Übersichtliche Zeitleiste für einen schnellen Workflow
- Möglichkeit, Clips bei Bedarf zu trimmen
- Bequeme Objektmarkierung
- Manuelles & automatisches Objekt-Tracking
- Umfassende Keyframe-Unterstützung
- Unterstützung für zusätzliche Eingabegeräte (wie USB-Pedale)
- Vorschaufenster zur Effektkontrolle vor dem Dateiexport
- Option zum direkten YouTube-Upload beim Export
- Kompatibel mit jeder Framerate (24p/25p/30p/50p/60p und mehr)
- Unterstützt Auflösungen bis einschließlich 8K
The Economist Audio Edition - November 30, 2024 |
Geschrieben von: Panter - 30.11.2024, 02:42 - Forum: Audiobook
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The Economist Audio Edition - November 30, 2024
English | 8 h | MP3 | 210 MB
"It is not only The Economist's name that people find baffling. Here are some other common questions.
First, why does it call itself a newspaper? Even when The Economist incorporated the Bankers' Gazette and Railway Monitor from 1845 to 1932, it also described itself as "a political, literary and general newspaper".
It still does so because, in addition to offering analysis and opinion, it tries in each issue to cover the main events business and political of the week. It goes to press on Thursdays and, printed simultaneously in six countries, is available in most of the world's main cities the following day or soon after. Readers everywhere get the same editorial matter. The advertisements differ. The running order of the sections, and sometimes the cover, also differ. But the words are the same, except that each week readers in Britain get a few extra pages devoted to British news.
Why is it anonymous? Many hands write The Economist, but it speaks with a collective voice. Leaders are discussed, often disputed, each week in meetings that are open to all members of the editorial staff. Journalists often co-operate on articles. And some articles are heavily edited. The main reason for anonymity, however, is a belief that what is written is more important than who writes it. As Geoffrey Crowther, editor from 1938 to 1956, put it, anonymity keeps the editor "not the master but the servant of something far greater than himself. You can call that ancestor-worship if you wish, but it gives to the paper an astonishing momentum of thought and principle."
Master Spanish Conversations: 800 Dialogues with Translation |
Geschrieben von: Panter - 30.11.2024, 02:37 - Forum: E-Learning, Tutorials
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Master Spanish Conversations: 800 Dialogues with Translation
Published 11/2024
Created by Lingo Training
MP4 | Video: h264, 1280x720 | Audio: AAC, 44.1 KHz, 2 Ch
Genre: eLearning | Language: English | Duration: 800 Lectures ( 311h 47m ) | Size: 50.6 GB
Learn Spanish through immersive dialogues with real-time English translations and modern AI voices.
What you'll learn
Build conversational Spanish skills with real-life dialogues.
Improve listening and pronunciation through repetition mode.
Access 800 Spanish dialogues with English translations.
Master natural Spanish phrases and daily expressions.
Develop confidence speaking Spanish in any situation.
Download PDFs of dialogues with English translations.
Study at your own pace with lifetime course access.
Enhance language retention through modern AI-generated voices.
No prior knowledge required.
Unlock the power of conversational Spanish with a comprehensive video course featuring 800 real-life dialogues, each paired with real-time English translations. Produced by Lingo Training, this course is designed for learners who want to immerse themselves in the language through natural conversations, benefiting from AI-generated voices that bring a realistic touch to each interaction. Whether you're a beginner eager to master foundational phrases or an advanced learner looking to refine your fluency, these dialogues cover a broad range of everyday situations to help you become confident in Spanish.Course Structure and HighlightsEach lesson consists of two parts:Natural Dialogue - Listen to the entire conversation as it would unfold in real life, allowing you to understand the natural flow of Spanish without interruptions.Listen and Repeat - The dialogue is repeated with pauses between phrases, giving you the chance to practice pronunciation, improve your accent, and enhance retention. This mode helps you internalize the language patterns and makes speaking Spanish feel more intuitive.With this dual approach, you'll not only hear the rhythm of the language but also actively participate, mimicking the sounds and structure of native speakers.Engage with Modern AI VoicesWe use state-of-the-art AI voices that sound natural and expressive, providing a realistic language experience. This method goes beyond traditional recordings, allowing you to experience authentic emotions and tones, which enriches your learning process and brings each dialogue to life. It's a cutting-edge way to practice, and the closest experience to speaking with native Spanish speakers.Lifetime Access and AffordabilityYour one-time payment grants you unlimited access to all 800 conversations. Study at your own pace, whether you're revisiting beginner content or tackling advanced topics. The affordable price ensures that high-quality language learning is accessible to everyone.Downloadable PDFs for Offline StudyEvery dialogue is available in downloadable PDF format, with side-by-side Spanish-English translations. These documents are invaluable for offline study, allowing you to review dialogues, reinforce vocabulary, and understand sentence structure even without internet access.Key Topics and Learning AreasOur dialogues cover a wide range of topics and situations, ensuring you're well-prepared to converse in Spanish in any scenario:Greetings and introductionsOrdering food and drinksNavigating public transportAsking for and giving directionsExpressing emotions and opinionsShopping and bargainingPlanning travel and vacationsHandling emergenciesEach topic provides vocabulary, expressions, and insights into cultural nuances, equipping you with a well-rounded language foundation.Who Is This Course For?This course is suitable for all levels, from beginners looking to acquire fundamental Spanish skills to intermediate and advanced learners aiming to polish their conversational abilities. It's an excellent choice for students, travelers, and anyone interested in mastering Spanish naturally and effectively.Why Choose This Course?Lingo Training focuses on high-quality, accessible language education using the latest technology. This course gives you:Real-life dialogues to build authentic speaking skills.AI-driven voices for a lifelike conversational experience.Lifetime access, allowing you to learn at your pace and revisit lessons.A unique listen-and-repeat mode to develop strong pronunciation.By the end of this course, you'll not only understand Spanish better but also speak it with confidence, ready to engage in real conversations. Join us today and start your journey to Spanish fluency with immersive dialogues and innovative learning techniques.
Who this course is for
Everyone who loves learning new languages.
Download from RapidGator
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Premium Links
Data Science Marathon: 120 Projects To Build Your Portfolio (updated 11/2024) |
Geschrieben von: Panter - 30.11.2024, 02:31 - Forum: E-Learning, Tutorials
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Data Science Marathon: 120 Projects To Build Your Portfolio
Last updated 11/2024
Created by Pianalytix • 75,000+ Students Worldwide
MP4 | Video: h264, 1280x720 | Audio: AAC, 44.1 KHz, 2 Ch
Genre: eLearning | Language: English + subtitle | Duration: 796 Lectures ( 133h 30m ) | Size: 64.6 GB
Build 120 Projects in 120 Days- Data Science, Machine Learning, Deep Learning (Python, Flask, Django, AWS, Heruko Cloud)
What you'll learn
Real life case studies and projects to understand how things are done in the real world
Implement Machine Learning algorithms, Present Data Science projects to management
Use SciKit-Learn for Machine Learning Tasks
Explore how to deploy your machine learning models.
Have a great intuition of many Machine Learning models
Learn which Machine Learning model to choose for each type of problem
Learn best practices when it comes to Data Science Workflow
Learn to pre process data, clean data, and analyze large data
Learn to use NumPy for Numerical Data
Use Matplotlib to create fully customized data visualizations with Python.
Explore large datasets and wrangle data using Pandas
Learn to use Seaborn for statistical plots
Basic knowledge of Data Science
In This Course, Solve Business Problems Using Data Science Practically. Learn To Build & Deploy Machine Learning, Data Science, Artificial Intelligence, Auto Ml, Deep Learning, Natural Language Processing (Nlp) Web Applications Projects With Python (Flask, Django, Heroku, AWS, Azure, GCP, IBM Watson, Streamlit Cloud).Data science is the field of study that combines domain expertise, programming skills, and knowledge of mathematics and statistics to extract meaningful insights from data. Data science practitioners apply machine learning algorithms to numbers, text, images, video, audio, and more to produce artificial intelligence (AI) systems to perform tasks that ordinarily require human intelligence. In turn, these systems generate insights which analysts and business users can translate into tangible business value.More and more companies are coming to realize the importance of data science, AI, and machine learning. Regardless of industry or size, organizations that wish to remain competitive in the age of big data need to efficiently develop and implement data science capabilities or risk being left behind.In This Course, We Are Going To Work On 120 Real World Projects Listed Belowroject-1: Pan Card Tempering Detector App -Deploy On HerokuProject-2: Dog breed prediction Flask AppProject-3: Image Watermarking App -Deploy On HerokuProject-4: Traffic sign classificationProject-5: Text Extraction From Images ApplicationProject-6: Plant Disease Prediction Streamlit AppProject-7: Vehicle Detection And Counting Flask AppProject-8: Create A Face Swapping Flask AppProject-9: Bird Species Prediction Flask AppProject-10: Intel Image Classification Flask AppProject-11: Language Translator App Using IBM Cloud Service -Deploy On HerokuProject-12: Predict Views On Advertisement Using IBM Watson -Deploy On HerokuProject-13: Laptop Price Predictor -Deploy On HerokuProject-14: WhatsApp Text Analyzer -Deploy On HerokuProject-15: Course Recommendation System -Deploy On HerokuProject-16: IPL Match Win Predictor -Deploy On HerokuProject-17: Body Fat Estimator App -Deploy On Microsoft AzureProject-18: Campus Placement Predictor App -Deploy On Microsoft AzureProject-19: Car Acceptability Predictor -Deploy On Google CloudProject-20: Book Genre Classification App -Deploy On Amazon Web ServicesProject 21 : DNA classification for finding E.Coli - Deploy On AWSProject 22 : Predict the next word in a sentence. - AWS - Deploy On AWSProject 23 : Predict Next Sequence of numbers using LSTM - Deploy On AWSProject 24 : Keyword Extraction from text using NLP - Deploy On AzureProject 25 : Correcting wrong spellings - Deploy On AzureProject 26 : Music popularity classification - Deploy On Google App EngineProject 27 : Advertisement Classification - Deploy On Google App EngineProject 28 : Image Digit Classification - Deploy On AWSProject 29 : Emotion Recognition using Neural Network - Deploy On AWSProject 30 : Breast cancer Classification - Deploy On AWSProject-31: Sentiment Analysis Django App -Deploy On HerokuProject-32: Attrition Rate Django ApplicationProject-33: Find Legendary Pokemon Django App -Deploy On HerokuProject-34: Face Detection Streamlit AppProject-35: Cats Vs Dogs Classification Flask AppProject-36: Customer Revenue Prediction App -Deploy On HerokuProject-37: Gender From Voice Prediction App -Deploy On HerokuProject-38: Restaurant Recommendation SystemProject-39: Happiness Ranking Django App -Deploy On HerokuProject-40: Forest Fire Prediction Django App -Deploy On HerokuProject-41: Build Car Prices Prediction App -Deploy On HerokuProject-42: Build Affair Count Django App -Deploy On HerokuProject-43: Build Shrooming Predictions App -Deploy On HerokuProject-44: Google Play App Rating prediction With Deployment On HerokuProject-45: Build Bank Customers Predictions Django App -Deploy On HerokuProject-46: Build Artist Sculpture Cost Prediction Django App -Deploy On HerokuProject-47: Build Medical Cost Predictions Django App -Deploy On HerokuProject-48: Phishing Webpages Classification Django App -Deploy On HerokuProject-49: Clothing Fit-Size predictions Django App -Deploy On HerokuProject-50: Build Similarity In-Text Django App -Deploy On HerokuProject-51: Black Friday Sale ProjectProject-52: Sentiment Analysis ProjectProject-53: Parkinson's Disease Prediction ProjectProject-54: Fake News Classifier ProjectProject-55: Toxic Comment Classifier ProjectProject-56: IMDB Movie Ratings PredictionProject-57: Indian Air Quality PredictionProject-58: Covid-19 Case AnalysisProject-59: Customer Churning PredictionProject-60: Create A ChatBotProject-61: Video Game sales AnalysisProject-62: Zomato Restaurant AnalysisProject-63: Walmart Sales ForecastingProject-64 : Sonic wave velocity prediction using Signal Processing TechniquesProject-65 : Estimation of Pore Pressure using Machine LearningProject-66 : Audio processing using MLProject-67 : Text characterisation using Speech recognitionProject-68 : Audio classification using Neural networksProject-69 : Developing a voice assistantProject-70 : Customer segmentationProject-71 : FIFA 2019 AnalysisProject-72 : Sentiment analysis of web scrapped dataProject-73 : Determining Red Vine QualityProject-74 : Customer Personality AnalysisProject-75 : Literacy Analysis in IndiaProject-76: Heart Attack Risk Prediction Using Eval ML (Auto ML)Project-77: Credit Card Fraud Detection Using Pycaret (Auto ML)Project-78: Flight Fare Prediction Using Auto SK Learn (Auto ML)Project-79: Petrol Price Forecasting Using Auto KerasProject-80: Bank Customer Churn Prediction Using H2O Auto MLProject-81: Air Quality Index Predictor Using TPOT With End-To-End Deployment (Auto ML)Project-82: Rain Prediction Using ML models & PyCaret With Deployment (Auto ML)Project-83: Pizza Price Prediction Using ML And EVALML(Auto ML)Project-84: IPL Cricket Score Prediction Using TPOT (Auto ML)Project-85: Predicting Bike Rentals Count Using ML And H2O Auto MLProject-86: Concrete Compressive Strength Prediction Using Auto Keras (Auto ML)Project-87: Bangalore House Price Prediction Using Auto SK Learn (Auto ML)Project-88: Hospital Mortality Prediction Using PyCaret (Auto ML)Project-89: Employee Evaluation For Promotion Using ML And Eval Auto MLProject-90: Drinking Water Potability Prediction Using ML And H2O Auto MLProject-91: Image Editor Application With OpenCV And TkinterProject-92: Brand Identification Game With Tkinter And Sqlite3Project-93: Transaction Application With Tkinter And Sqlite3Project-94: Learning Management System With DjangoProject-95: Create A News Portal With DjangoProject-96: Create A Student Portal With DjangoProject-97: Productivity Tracker With Django And PlotlyProject-98: Create A Study Group With DjangoProject-99: Building Crop Guide Application with PyQt5, SQLiteProject-100: Building Password Manager Application With PyQt5, SQLiteProject-101: Create A News Application With PythonProject-102: Create A Guide Application With PythonProject-103: Building The Chef Web Application with Django, PythonProject-104: Syllogism-Rules of Inference Solver Web ApplicationProject-105: Building Vision Web Application with Django, PythonProject-106: Building Budget Planner Application With PythonProject-107: Build Tic Tac Toe GameProject-108: Random Password Generator Website using DjangoProject-109: Building Personal Portfolio Website Using DjangoProject-110: Todo List Website For Multiple UsersProject-111: Crypto Coin Planner GUI ApplicationProject-112: Your Own Twitter Bot -python, request, API, deployment, tweepyProject-113: Create A Python Dictionary Using python, Tkinter, JSONProject-114: Egg-Catcher Game using pythonProject-115: Personal Routine Tracker Application using pythonProject-116: Building Screen -Pet using Tkinter & CanvasProject-117: Building Caterpillar Game Using Turtle and PythonProject-118: Building Hangman Game Using PythonProject-119: Developing our own Smart Calculator Using Python and TkinterProject-120: Image-based steganography Using Python and pillowsTip: Create A 60 Days Study Plan Or 120 Day Study Plan, Spend 1-3hrs Per Day, Build 120 Projects In 60 Days Or 120 Projects In 120 Days.The Only Course You Need To Become A Data Scientist, Get Hired And Start A New CareerNote (Read This): This Course Is Worth Of Your Time And Money, Enroll Now Before Offer Expires.
Who this course is for
Beginners in Data Science
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ROBLOX Studio 2024: The Ultimate Scripting Mastery Course |
Geschrieben von: Panter - 30.11.2024, 02:26 - Forum: E-Learning, Tutorials
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ROBLOX Studio 2024: The Ultimate Scripting Mastery Course
Last updated 10/2024
MP4 | Video: h264, 1280x720 | Audio: AAC, 44.1 KHz, 2 Ch Language: English + All subtitles | Duration: 56h 0m | Size: 30.8 GB
A guided Lua scripting journey to go from ZERO to HERO in ROBLOX Studio!
What you'll learn
Become competent in Lua / Luau scripting!
Be able to solve and debug problems in your scripts!
Understand and use ROBLOX studio efficiently!
Understand and utilize the many services available to scripters from the ROBLOX API.
Plan out and create ROBLOX games.
Store and retrieve player data in DataStoreService.
Understand the Client-Server communication model.
Create and script your first games!
Once you learn one programming language, you can learn them all!
Get support in the Q&A section!
No previous programming experience required!
Motivation, determination, and self-discipline to learn and create.
Computer & internet connection.
USE CODE LUAU_CODING FOR A SWEET DISCOUNT!Thank you for viewing this course!Are you a newbie looking for guidance in the world of ROBLOX game development? Or perhaps are you a seasoned developer who wants to learn new skills?Then this complete mastery course is the perfect guide for you to learn the many important tools in ROBLOX Studio that you'll need to become a highly skilled ROBLOX developer!You will learn all of the essentials of the Luau programming language to script games, create tools, handle player data, create game passes, and much more!If you've always desired to create games on ROBLOX, but you had no idea where to begin, then this is the ultimate mastery course for you!Perfect for Developers in All Skill RangesWhether you're just a beginner starting your journey or someone who has already developed in ROBLOX Studio, absolutely no prior experience in programming is required!Comprehensive Foundation into the World of ScriptingThis course will first introduce you to all of the essential tools of Studio and Lua scripting, and then we'll move into more advanced topics so you will develop a well-rounded skillset in ROBLOX Studio crucial for game creation.Over 50 Hours of Curated LecturesThe ROBLOX API is vast and full of many features, and this course will make sure you understand how to utilize these many useful features in your games with an abundance of high-quality lectures to guide you the entire way. You won't be left behind!Work Together with me on Many ProjectsThis course includes many projects to help you understand and learn how to practically implement the knowledge you've gained from previous lectures to allow you to unleash your creative drive. This includes working with me on two complete game projects, and not just a boring obby or simulator game, but a zombie-apocalypse wave game and a horror game!Strong Community Support and Instructor CommunicationOnce enrolled, you can join our online community of students in many skill ranges and get scripting assistance from me, your instructor, as well as other students in the classroom. This is an opportunity to engage and share your projects with us and get help when you need it the most!All Resources Made Available to YouAll resources used during the lectures, including code, models, plugins, and documentation will be attached with their associated lectures, so it's easy for you to look back at anything you didn't understand the first time. You'll never be left in the dark!Learn Useful Services Crucial for Game DevelopmentWe will be taking a look at many useful services and features not commonly taught among ROBLOX developers, such as the DataStoreService, PathfindingService, ContextActionSerivce, MemoryStoreService, developer products, raycasting, instance streaming, and much, much more!And with more than 200+ hours spent prepping, scripting, recording, editing, and curating this mastery course, you are spending less than 25 cents (USD) for one hour of my time!Whether you've been thinking about ROBLOX game development for a while or you're already a seasoned developer, this course will push you to your limits and open up new doors of game development to help you create whatever you imagine! Who knows, maybe YOU can be the next front-page ROBLOX developer! With all of that out of the way, I'm excited to work with you and I'll see you in the classroom soon!USE CODE LUAU_CODING FOR A SWEET DISCOUNT!
Who this course is for
Beginner Lua / Luau programmers
Aspiring ROBLOX game developers
Programmers that do not know Luau syntax or ROBLOX studio
Programmers already on ROBLOX who may want extra help or insight
Code: https://www.udemy.com/course/roblox-studio-lua-luau-scripting-basics/
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Java 17 Masterclass: Start Coding in 2024 |
Geschrieben von: Panter - 30.11.2024, 02:21 - Forum: E-Learning, Tutorials
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Java 17 Masterclass: Start Coding in 2024
Last updated 11/2024
Created by Tim Buchalka,Tim Buchalka's Learn Programming Academy,Edwin Einsen Vásquez Velásquez,Igor Popovic,Eddie Chiang
MP4 | Video: h264, 1280x720 | Audio: AAC, 44.1 KHz, 2 Ch
Genre: eLearning | Language: English + subtitle | Duration: 735 Lectures ( 135h 29m ) | Size: 50.2 GB
Acquire Key Java Skills: From Basics to Advanced Programming and Certification - Start Your Dev Career
What you'll learn
Learn the core Java skills needed to apply for Java developer positions in just 14 hours.
Be able to sit for and pass the Oracle Java Certificate exam if you choose.
Be able to demonstrate your understanding of Java to future employers.
Learn industry "best practices" in Java software development from a professional Java developer who has worked in the language for close to 25 years.
Acquire essential java basics for transitioning to the Spring Framework, Java EE, Android development and more.
Obtain proficiency in Java 17, as well as older versions incluing Java 11 and Java 8.
Java 21 features coming soon!
A computer with either Windows, Mac or Linux to install all the free software and tools needed to build your new apps (I provide specific videos on installations for each platform).
A strong work ethic, willingness to learn, and plenty of excitement about the awesome new programs you're about to build.
Nothing else! It's just you, your computer and your hunger to get started today.
Step into the world of programming with our Java Programming Masterclass, meticulously updated for 2024. Since its inception in 2016, this course has evolved continuously, ensuring you receive the latest and most relevant Java education. Purchase once and gain access to a lifetime of updates without any additional cost.Join an expansive community of over 832,000 students who have chosen my in-depth Java programming course for its thorough and detailed curriculum. Like Benhur G., who appreciates that "all lessons helpful in your Java Programming journey are included," you'll find our course suitable for all levels of expertise.Whether you're aiming to:Secure your first Java programming jobAdvance to a senior software developer rolePrepare for the Oracle Java certification examDevelop your own Java applicationsOur Java Masterclass is your comprehensive resource for achieving these goals and more.Why Java?Its enduring presence in the tech world is unmatched, making it a wise choice for both budding and experienced programmers. Its popularity, as evidenced by Java's top 3 ranking in language use worldwide, promises abundant career opportunities.Our course is designed to provide a real-world perspective on programming. As Pallala gowtham R. notes, "Tim's emphasis on coding over theory is exceptional," enabling you to build practical coding skills that are rare to find alongside theoretical knowledge.Bemnet Bekele B. finds the course "very good" and appreciates that "every topic is explained in detail," making it accessible for beginners. Similarly, Suyash praises the "detailed explanation of JAVA language," highlighting the instructor's dedication to ensuring students grasp each concept through repetition and clarity.This Masterclass isn't just about quantity but quality. With over 100 hours of content, the course is structured to facilitate learning at your own pace. Devansh R. finds the course "very helpful," noting that even with intermediate Java knowledge, there were many new things to learn.The course is curated to give you a solid grounding in Java essentials in just the first 14 hours. Bhuvanendra's experience is a testament to this: "After completing the first 8 sections, I can see myself improved a lot in the way I write code."With Java 17 as the focal point, you're learning a version with long-term support and current industry relevance. Moreover, as new versions like Java 21 emerge, this course will adapt, providing you with the most contemporary and robust Java education available.Choose this course for its bestseller status and join a thriving learning community backed by exceptional reviews. My commitment to quality and continuous improvement means you receive an education that's both current and comprehensive.You're not just enrolling in a course; you're gaining a partner in your learning journey. With support to address your questions from myself, teaching assistants, and the community, and regular updates to the content, you'll never feel stuck.Take the leap today with our 30-day, full money-back guarantee. Whether you seek to develop remarkable programs or embark on a transformative career, you have everything to gain.Enroll now and become part of a legacy of success. Your Java journey begins here.
Who this course is for
New coders seeking to start a career in tech with foundational Java skills.
Software devs aiming to update their Java knowledge to the latest version.
Professionals targeting the Oracle Java Certification for career growth.
Self-taught programmers looking to formalize and deepen their Java expertise.
Tech enthusiasts interested in building Java applications for personal or professional use.
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